Snotty noses and the boobie song

Lately my son has been pulling out my shirt and peering in to see what’s going on in there. I always tell him “those are boobies” and he quietly says beeboo and then smacks them or something like that. Anyway, he’s been singing this song lately and I haven’t thought anything of it. He just… Continue reading Snotty noses and the boobie song

Mushy and Gushy and Squishy and Lovey

I’m in such a honeymoon phase right now with my son. I’m all mushy and gushy and squishy and lovey about him lately. I guess by that you can conclude that he’s sleeping OK lately! I’m just constantly surprised that I can love someone SO much and that selfish little Leah isn’t so selfish anymore.… Continue reading Mushy and Gushy and Squishy and Lovey