How To: Keep Things Peanut Free For Someone With an Allergy

I must admit something, I avoid birthday parties when it comes to Silas.  When people invite him the first thing I think about is the peanut allergy….I usually go so far as to rudely ignore the RSVP and just say nothing.  It’s hard to be honest about this one because I feel extremely shameful about… Continue reading How To: Keep Things Peanut Free For Someone With an Allergy

Titles are for People Who Don’t Have To Think of One Every Stinking DAY!!

So Silas has his appointment with the ped to see whether or not he’s on any spectrum. Any parents with kids on the spectrum that could give me hints on how to prepare and conduct myself during that initial appointment? Part of me almost wants him to be on it. It wouldn’t change him but… Continue reading Titles are for People Who Don’t Have To Think of One Every Stinking DAY!!

Great Trip

Well, we are back to the grind after a lovely May Long Weekend at my parent’s house.  Gosh, it’s so stinking beautiful out there.  So quiet and the air smells so nice.  It still feels like home to me. My parents were AMAZING in making their house 100% peanut free for us.  They just took… Continue reading Great Trip

A Bunch of Stuff

Wow, Silas’ birthday party is next week!!  I’m so excited.  It’s just going to be very small this year, just family pretty much.  I can’t handle a crowd, I just don’t wanna.  But feel free to still buy him pressies or send money…ha ha!! It’s been slightly exhausting trying to avoid wheat, oats, milk and… Continue reading A Bunch of Stuff

NAET Allergy Experience.

So yesterday we went off to see the NAET specialist. I had no idea what to expect, I knew we would be doing acupressure. After coming out I felt ok but the lump in my tummy is getting bigger and bigger. According to her diagnostic techniques Silas is allergic to eggs, wheat, oats, chicken, peanuts… Continue reading NAET Allergy Experience.


Another morning, me in my PJ’s drinking my twice (or three times) re-heated cup of coffee, blogging away. I’m the bearer of good and bad news this morning, that’s why I’m writing early, I just need to talk about stuff. Last night Silas and I made this video. I wasn’t expecting it to turn out… Continue reading Apples?