Energy Juice in Me Bones

Yesterday I actually felt enough energy juice in me bones to actually take the little spawns outside somewhere instead of letting them watch Treehouse all day while I lay on the couch and yell orders at them (in between moans and groans).  So I decided to go to this park we like and bring lunch… Continue reading Energy Juice in Me Bones

Funding is…Well…a Joke.

I was sickened the other day when I found out that the 20 grand the government gives me for Silas’ therapy (OT, Speech, ABA) only covers 8-10 hours of ABA a week.  My dear little Silas needs 30-40 hours a week…soooooooo liiiikkkeeee 60-70 grand-ish.  That’s obviously not covering OT and speech and a DAN dr… Continue reading Funding is…Well…a Joke.