So, a few weeks ago I went to my parents house to have this fabulous week hanging out, snowboarding, making delicious meals, taking the kids out to play, etc. None of that happened. I was so sick, the kids were so sick and my mommy was having issues with shortness of breath. Mark, with school and taking care of his parents, was horribly busy. The week was nothing short of completely awful. Hellish perhaps.
I’m not sure if I’m quite ready to laugh about it actually. I wanted to take care of my mommy. She had a myriad of appointments and found out she has blood clots in her lungs. My fever was 102, Ikey’s got to 105. We were all miserable. It was miserable chasing two grouchy kids around a very much not baby proof house.
Anyway, my mommy is still dealing with these stupid things in her lungs and we have no idea why. She doesn’t smoke (hasn’t ever) and she’s NOT over overweight. It’s just odd. We’re all kinda worried. So if you think about it, give her lots and lots of prayers. I want my mommy to be OK!!!!
We did get some great photos though, and we had a few laughs. We mostly laughed about how miserable we were. Our favorite moment was when I decided to take just Silas to the hot tub. Isaac was SO mad and SO determined to come to that he balled up his little fists and screamed and then attempted to undress himself, like if he was naked he’d be allowed to come. He was coming in and I had no choice. So I brought him, I couldn’t say no to such determination.
It was also really nice hanging with Courtenay, Morgan, Emily and their little TumTum. Emily and Ikey and Silas played on these two mattresses while TumTum slept happily in utero. I think we got some conversation in there but it was mostly about the kids. They were pretty cute too.
Anyway, remember my mommy in your prayers. Thanks.

Sorry to hear your mom is having trouble- I hope they can resolve it soon and that she makes a full recovery!