My darling Isaac,
Today you are two. Goodness I’ve been dreading today for MONTHS now but now that’s it’s come, all I can do is be excited for you. You’re continuing to amaze me with how wonderful of a person you are.
I see soooo many things in you my little one. I see someone who’s very self aware, you know what you want and you’ll fight to get it, even if it means taking matters into your own hands. You’re aware of others and you always know what to do to help comfort your big brother. You’re resourceful, like holding big rocks under your chin so you can fit more in your hands…that never ceases to make me smile. You’re a good singer, despite the fact that your brother was singing hundreds of songs by your age, the songs you DO know are sung very well and you can follow a tune. That’s all I need baby. You love to experience the world around you and I know that because you’re constantly filthy, you always have something hiding in your fist and I said “Ikey NO TOUCH” about 8000 times a day. You’re incredibly easy going and adaptable, just totally up for anything. I love all of this about you.
Isaac, you smell SO GOOD and when I kiss your cheeks it feels like kissing a warm, plump nectarine. You give me the best kisses on my lips, I wish I could put one in my pocket for whenever I need it. The sound of you singing at the top of your lungs in your crib is one of my very favorite sounds. I love saying hello to the birdies in the morning with you as we look out your bedroom window. Your daddy and I just can get enough of you, we’re constantly saying how cute you are and how much we love you. You make us laugh and swoon at least 100 times a day.
You’re a special boy with a special purpose. Although I’m not looking forward to you losing your baby fat, your bowlegged baby legs, and the way you say “dee doop” for “thank you”, I’m very MUCH looking forward to watching you grow and learn. I love you with all of my heart and you’ll always be my baby…no matter what…even when you’ll hate it when I call you my baby (just like I hated/hate it when my mom did/still does).
Happy Birthday my true love!
Lets see how far you’ve come!

oh ikey
I’ve been treasuring Ikey in my heart ALL DAY LONG.
Can’t wait to celebrate tomorrow! Happy Birthday sweet nephew, we love you very very much.
Awe thax so much fer sharing both the pics of progression and the positive aknowledgements that you have for your son; much enjoyed friend 🙂
January – 20 months – looks a LOT like a baby picture of me. I’ll find it and share it.