So on Friday my brother Andy, who’s moved out this way, called me up like he usually does asking “do you want a coffee?”. 45 minutes later he usually shows up with Starbucks in hand and ready to party. I’m really enjoying him being out here so close to me and he’s looking for a job right now so I get to have him to myself during the day lots. He actually likes to sit there and watch What Not To Wear with me. I love my brother. Last time we watched it he was fidgeting and finally said to the TV “LESS TALKY MORE SHOPPY!” ha ha…he’s the best.
Anyway, we decided on the spur of the moment to go to the beach!! It’s dumb that I don’t go more often, I’m really only about 30 minutes from ocean. I just resent the fact that it’s not beautiful open ocean. It’s not the prettiest or the cleanest. We have Vancouver Island blocking us from waves and such. Anyway I’m so glad we went, despite the fact that it looks nothing like Cuba…or Oregon…or Tofino…
Note to self: when bringing child with obvious sensory issues to a big, new situation, don’t just throw him into it and go all crazy. He flipped out at first. Ya I’m bad, he’s only been to the ocean when he was a baby…once. Anyway, he had to hide under a blanket for a while but then emerged when the train came through and then joined in the fun. Oh what fun we had too…see?

Man it was hard choosing photos for that, I had SO MANY! I’m so glad we went. The kids had SO much fun plus some of the photos I took are destined to be framed. Remember family and friends…if you want one of those photos for yourself then send me a shout, I’ll give you the big version for your printing pleasure.
Man, I just look at photos like this and feel so blessed to have such gorgeous children. I’m just in awe that my body worked all that magic and made them! So beautiful. Ikey is just so rollie pollie, I’m always amazed by him. Those big brown eyes. And Silas with his BIG smile and amazing eyes as well. His legs really get me lately. They remind me of Mowgli from The Jungle Book. Sometimes they also remind me of Max stomping around during the Wild Rumpus in the book Where The Wild Things Are. They look almost animated to me…I’m so happy they’re not and I get to chew on them.
I’m sure everyone thinks their children are as beautiful as I think mine are. I’m blessed, I have my Silas on my lap and he’s only in his diaper…I keep stealing kisses from his soft skin 🙂
Anyway, Andy was so great with the kids as you can see. He took Silas WAAAAY out and they played in the water for so long. Speaking of Mowgli…they did exactly this and looked just about the same.  Andy’s just slightly less hairy…
Andy loved to just sit there and dig with Isaac. I love playing in the sand too, I could sit there for hours. I had full intentions of not revealing myself in a bikini but then I couldn’t have as much fun. I decided to not give a crap and I revealed my wobbly bits to the world. And, as usual…the world didn’t give a crap what I looked like and for once….I didn’t either. I’d rather be able to play in tide pools than hide myself. I’m glad I did, it was SO much fun.
Absolutely beautiful! You have too many to choose from to frame. Maybe you could try a frame with the ribbon? Do a collage-type thing?
Those are so pretty, I almost want to bring the baby to the beach and get some neat shots too. 🙂 Your boys are gorgeous too. 🙂
Thanks Rosie 🙂 FINALLY someone commented, gosh I was starting to feel sad a rejected.
Awesome awesome awesome pics honey. I wish I could go to the beach. The beach is hours upon hours aways and many states away 🙂 haha
I love the black and whites! Very artistic!
How great that you got to go to the beach…the boys looked like they had a great time, and the photos were wonderful, thanks.
ahhh, the beach…we go there tomorrow. haven’t been in over a year, and that time it didn’t go so well. my child with autism kept eating the sand, while my child with sensory issues kept crying and AVOIDING the sand and muttering to himself “Dirty, dirty…” you have to laugh. I am hoping this time will be easier!
It looks like you had a blast. I loved looking at the pics!
So darn cute. I love the one of Ikey all serious with his sippy cup and the Converse next to him. awesome. 🙂
Yay for bikinis and the courage to wear them – even though no one else really cares… hoping to get into one next summer whether I’m at my ideal weight or not.