
I’ve been sitting here fiddling around with my blog.  Dusting off the old bloggy shelves so-to-speak.  I was giddy about the prospect of blogging later in the day when I realized I wont have time and I got to blog NOW!!  Woot. Since it has been ages, I thought I should give you a point… Continue reading Update

Music Music Music

I’ve really been getting back into this music thing again.  It feels so good.  As I’ve been trying to tap into some online musical communities I’ve also been really encouraged by people that really enjoy my music.  For the first time in my life I feel like I’m actually good at this.  I’m so encouraged.… Continue reading Music Music Music


I’ve always had this dream to be a famous singer.  I kinda lost that dream for a while there but for some reason it’s coming back to me.  Obviously you’ve seen that because I’ve been showing you some of my songs here and here. It’s been on my mind a lot.  Of course I’d love… Continue reading Hmmmmm

Wal Mart for an Hour = HELL

I went for a trip to Wal Mart yesterday with my brother.  I said “Oh for sure we can hang out there for an hour while your photos develop!”  CHA RIGHT.  We made it, but hardly.  Silas was a psycho.  The kid that lays on the floor and screams.  People were looking around for who… Continue reading Wal Mart for an Hour = HELL

Singer Silas Sings Again!

Yesterday Silas and I had some fun with the webcam and I wanted to show off his talents.  Before I put the things on my blog, I’ll link to each video in case they don’t load for your computer. Bed of Roses – this one is long but worth it, he sings the whole song,… Continue reading Singer Silas Sings Again!