Okay who made the voodoo doll?? Seriously?? Whatever I did I’m sorry. I’m sick again!!! Perhaps it’s the same sickness but it decided to work it’s way down to my lungs and fester there?? I kept the sinus infection at bay by rinsing my sinuses out a lot and I sailed through it just fine. I felt fine for a few days and then this morning I started to cough. Now i’m all achy in wimpy and grouchy and GRRRRRR.
Another glitch in the running plan. There’s no way I can run with this cough, I’m really glad I did yesterday. Maybe this is just my body cleansing? Who knows. Grrrrr. I recently had a bad cough and my lungs stay pretty weak after a bad one so maybe that’s it.
Silas just went to bed without his smushy. We accidentally left it at Jennies so I explained to him that it was there and he asked to use his shirt. I took it off and he was happy. Odd, no? Perhaps it’s time to retire smushy. I’d prefer to retire sucky.
Anyway, it just feels like there’s a conspiracy or something, I know it’s not true but it seems like there’s a lot of hurdles all of a sudden. Thankfully Jennie made me a big bowl of egg drop soup for lunch and that made my tummy happy.
Just happened to come along via ‘bad mommy moments’.
I think I know how you feel, same things happened to me for the last 2 months. I never ever really seem to get back on the ‘health track’. A cold here, a sinusitis there a lung inflamation and so on ,and the kids too. It is annoying! I just can’t wait for spring to finally arrive 😉
Get well soon!
Bright Blessings,
Bah – you gave the lung thing to me.
did not, you were already coughing!