I Don’t Like Prunes Mommy!

Yesterday we tried prunes for the first time. It was the first taste of anything other than rice cereal and the outcome was hilarious! prunes16.jpg As you can see, Isaac hated it!! So funny. I was so excited to give them to him too, partially because he was having troubles pooping even though his poops really aren’t that hard at all. It’s either that or he just enjoys grunting a lot. Weirdo. Anyway, I got everything ready, along with the camera and sat down with him. The first bite wasn’t so bad but it got gradually worse and worse. At the end I decided to mix some with rice cereal and see if that would help, nope. He made this face and then turned his head and gagged and let out one of those barf burps. Luckily nothing came up! You can see my entire photographic documentation of the event here.

Today I realized that he doesn’t like rice cereal either. I tried him on sweet potatoes and he gobbled them down like a mad man. I realized then that his reaction to his rice cereal was indeed distaste. What do I feed him if he doesn’t like rice cereal? I’m thinking of making my own with some nice brown jasmine rice which is SUPER yummy. I don’t know where to find organic brown jasmine rice though. Anyone have a kid who hates rice cereal?? Help??

I really didn’t expect to be crying a bunch yesterday about my doggies. It sure hit me suddenly…and hard. It was good though. Holding emotions inside is really the worst thing you can do. I’m glad I only did it for a year and not until I’m like 50. Even then though, it’s better to let them out at any age then to get old and crazy because you’ve suppressed everything your whole life. It made me wanna get a doggie though, I was looking at the SPCA website for older ones that I wouldn’t really have to train. That would be so much fun. I’d like to have a doggie. Don’t worry mom, I wont get one just yet.

Anyway, my back hurts. I’m thinking of going to my chiro and immediately following that, get a massage. That’d fix me up good. Anyone want to pay for it?? Ha ha. I’m in paaaaiiinnn. I started laying on my sons hard toys again, trying to get pressure on my knots to work them out. It’s worked in a pinch before. I wish my husband knew what a knot felt like under his fingers.


PS – happy birthday Dad, sorry I’m two days late!


  1. I got my kids over the rice cereal dislike by mixing it with juice (apple or plum) which masked the cereal taste.

  2. cailyn hates rice cereal but LOVES IT when i mix it with gerber juice especially pear juice. she also loves sweet potatoes.. we’ve passed all the yellow veggies, and i’ve done green beans, applesauce and bananas. she’s enjoyed every single fruit and veggie so far. i was impressed.

  3. Try the organic bulk food section at Save-On. I know they have brown rice — not sure if it’s jasmine.

  4. Have I told you about the miracle ball…its good for helping the back, and similar to lying on your kids toys. Tell Isaac to hurry to grandma’s “cause ” I won’t make him eat prunes.

  5. I used to put a little bit of banana in Babyhead’s cereal. He loved it. I had to be careful with apple and pear sauce at it would give him the runs… LOL. But…he did love the banana in the cereal.

    BTW…have you ever tasted that stuff? It is NASTY.

  6. Ha haaa! The photo is so funny! Your blog made me remember that my daughter (now 10) hated prunes too and it brought back memories of the first time I gave them to her. I spooned them in to her mouth, her face got all screwed up, and she spit them out with this big production as if she were choking on them. Denied!

  7. My kids also hated rice cereal and it clogged them up, so I gave them quinoa cereal (you can find it in health food stores). Much better anyway – way higher in iron and protein. They loved that stuff.

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