So, I haven’t taken many photos this week. The ones I did take, I’ve already shared so I thought I’d put up some older photos of moi so you can see how awfully adorable I was. Enjoy…and note the uncanny resemblance to my kids!
My favorite photo of me EVER!! My mom looks so beautiful for just popping me out!
Look at me…I’m so mushy already!
Nice shiney drool chin. This photo reminds me of Silas
Love the socks
I’m 4 months old here. Sturdy!!
Mommy and me. Look at that body…after 5 kids…sheesh…obviously didn’t get her genes!!
With my grandma who still looks exactly like that….
My mom said that day I got so tired I just fell face first into the snow and fell asleep.
These photos actually mean a lot to me. I saw them all for the first time this spring. We put together a photo album for my mom for mother’s day. I never had access to any photos of myself as a child. My grandparents went through all their slides and got them put onto disc for us. I also spent hours scanning in old photos to make the album for Mom. It was an amazing emotional time to see these photos and to give mom a gift that her heart so badly wanted. When I saw the photo of my mom holding me right after she had me I burst into tears. So happy now to see what I used to look like!!
The end
Pictures are the best aren’t they?
I love that last one!
I think Jennie or I is holding you up in the “sturdy” picture from behind the blanket…you were very sturdy though
Also, Ikey and Silas DO lood exactly like you…also I LOVE your hairy thigh in the 2nd picture; you were such a little grizzly girl!
Wow! Such a resemblance to Silas and Ikey!
I am in love with the pi of you in your snow suit. those are sooo your eyes. It’s so adorable.
I like the snowsuit one best too–soooo cute!
My mom was the same way, she’d drop 30 pounds in the delivery room each time. After baby five she weighed 145 and is 5ft 11in. Dude!
Thanks for sharing the pictures, they’re all awesome!
There’s nothing like a picture to capture memories.