What a relaxing weekend. We arrived at about 9pm the first day and were very very impressed at how our chalet looked. You’ll see photos below. It’s really beautiful there.
The next morning we decided to have breakfast on the deck, I was blabbing on and on about something between mouthfuls of eggs, sausage and hashbrowns when along walked a little deer. She was so cute and so tame. We soon realized that there were deer everywhere. So cute.
We drove into town for some supplies and then came back to make lunch. We packed up a delicious sandwich, some booze, crackers, magazines and some water and headed to the lake to rent a peddle boat and relax on the water. We mainly floated around, reading or watching the trout below us. The sun was so nice and warm. It was so stinking relaxing.
When we got back to shore I grabbed a weird-looking kayak and played around in the lake for a while. It was so hard for me to leave the water, it always is.
We got back and just layzed around our chalet. I think I got in the jacuzzi like 6 times, I had to make the most of it ha ha.
We went out for supper that night to a local pub. We were both so relaxed and zoned the whole time. It was nice. We shared a plate of potato skins and then a baby back ribs supper. num num num. We didn’t want to get too full because we had so much snacky food in our room. My favorites being the original Raincoast Crisps and blue cheese. Yummy. It was fun to eat and not care about nuts!!
We were just lazy the rest of the night, had a campfire outside, watched a bit of a movie, had another jacuzzi, went to bed early and slept in late. Perfect. So nice to sleep however long you want to!! We had another breakfast outside and a fawn was eating right beside us. It was lovely. Our first time away without kids!!!!

Ha ha, nothing in me wants to put all the photos up!
So this week is dedicated to learning, learning and learning about autism. I’m already trying to change some habits but creating more activities for Silas to do and trying to keep things more organized. Trying to read more to the boys and just play more with them.
The whole toy situation is a free-for-all here. Nothing is very organized and it drives me nuts! I’ve come up with a new system that I’ll try and have in place by next week. Only a few toys out to play with whenever and the rest organized in bins that are high up. We’ll put a photo on the outside of the bin so we know what’s inside and we’ll try and keep things together that way. That way, with each toy, we can try to use it for its purpose as opposed to just lining all the pieces up like Silas usually does. Even though it’s fun to watch how Ikey sneaks in and ruins all the line ups ha ha ha.
I got out a shapes activity today from Discovery Toys. It says 4+ on it but I was pretty sure Silas could handle it. It’s just foam shapes and cards that you place them on, some to make pictures others to learn about shapes. Silas rocks at it already, I worked on it with him and little and then just let him play. He picked out all the squares and lined them up. I’m seeing we’ll have to spend more one on one time together so we can do some things other than lining things up ha ha. I’m pretty interested to learn why he does that.
I wish I had another room and a bunch of money to make the bestest playroom ever for Silas and Isaac!!!
Anyway, so as I learn this week I will educate you all as well. I’m excited to learn and to treat Silas. I’ve been thinking all his life “perhaps in a few months he’ll understand English more” and it’s just so slow going. I know now that this next year he’s going to make leaps and bounds with his language. I can’t wait until we start understanding each other!!! I really think that’ll lessen the flip outs!
Sounds like you had a truely wonderful time and it my mother heart so happy, and the place looks really nice too. Hopefully it be much less than four years before you get to go again.
I am glad to see you had a great time on your get away. It looked like hella fun and I wish I could go someplace nice like that and ‘real’ soon. I need a break…Keep up the autism work it will all pan out. If you hadn’t read Jenny’s book yet you should. My kids don’t have it and I read it, but I am a huge fan of hers and read all of her books ;).
Send me contact info for that place!
Looks like you had a nice vacation!
looks like you hade a real good time but who took the pictures if you two wore alone on the patio?
Where was your relaxing weekend? Is it a secret? Looks like a good place for a couple of old geezers to relax a few days also.
Carl- I have a timer on my camera.
Grumps – I’ll tell u in an email. I don’t like disclosing locations on here.
It’s nice you guys had a nice weekend. Did you take in alot of nature? 🙂
As for the toy organizing thing… As our family grew and more children came into our lives, we realized we had to fix the toy problem. There were always toys everywhere! What you are suggesting doign is excellent. We built a “closet” that has the perfect height for toy containers and each container is labelled in that closet. We rotate the toy containers about every few weeks. The kids think it’s fun because they get “new” toys all the time. 🙂 Good luck with your system!