Sleep Falling

Man 382 hits on my give away post…you’d think more people woulda signed up…SIGN UP!!  Just pretend you happened upon it so it wont be obvious that you’ve been lurking here for years :).  I also had my record # of hits yesterday too…566!!  Holy smokes.  Sounds like I should give stuff away more often.  Sounds like only a few of you actually liked my purse 🙂 ha ha.  Perhaps most people just felt unworthy of it’s glory.  That’s it.  I hope they at least check out Bags for Zaza.

Last night after I got back from sweating and hurting and panting at “Booty Camp” (Juliet’s name for it now) I went to check on Silas before my shower and I found this:

Notice that all of his stuffies (most are mine from when I was little) are placed around him, he is covered by his blanket and he still has his smushie and sucky in their proper places.  Hmmmm.  I thought I had heard a thunk a few minutes before I went in but could he have fallen and still ended up under the blanket and with his smushie in his arms??

The other peculiar thing about this incident was his bum was poopy.  Yes, my 2.5 year old is sleeping in his own feces.  The child who now usually begs for us to change his bum when he poops.  Odd.

He giggled the entire time we were cleaning him up, perhaps because we were giggling so hard.  What a funny scene!  To top it off, because I was just about to go into the shower, I was completely nude (wait until you’re married kids).  He also had one of those things…that guys get…when they’re sleeping.  Just to top it off on a WHOLE different level.

(K Silas is on the phone with Juliet right now telling her that Mommy and Daddy are going to go on a date, I think it’s because he wants her to come babysit him again).

So the question is:  did Silas fall asleep there or did he fall there while he was sleeping??  What do you think after reviewing the evidence??

Weight loss progress will be updated today.  I have exciting news!


  1. Hey, having to get things done when your naked. It happens. More often now that it’s summer time and my oldest is at Gramma’s more often. You won’t catch me running around naked with him in the house.

    I’m going to say he fell asleep there. My oldest used to fall asleep wherever he was playing. It’s too cute that he has all his stuff down there with him.

  2. cute – glad he’s okay. I always worry my little guy will fall outta bed too onto the wood floor!

    hey- great job with the workout progress. It’s such a great feeling when you notice the improvements and increased strength.

  3. It completely looks like he arranged himself there…but who knows, stranger things have happened…

    Soooo, perky butt, if I come exercise with you again, am I gonna be left in the dust?

  4. Hmmm…I think it was intentional, like the time we found Isabelle asleep and covered with 4 pillows. “I wanted a pillow blanket” she said. Is the date planned already?? Good for you.

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