Awkward moment

I always feel slightly awkward after writing a really depressing post.  I feel weird writing the next day.  I’m feeling better today.  Looks like things will be mended and that makes me a lot happier.

This apartment is almost entirely empty and it feels like I can breathe easier.  I’m not so cramped but I am without some every day essentials that I thought I wouldn’t miss.  Like salt…I needed some salt this morning.  Tomorrow we move to Auntie Jen Jen’s for two nights and then we’re in our home.  My own home…with my own things.  What wonderfulness that will bring me!!!  Then we start tearing the place apart right away.  YAY!

Our trip to the lake was interesting.  It was cold out and Silas played in the water naked.  I’ve never seen his boy parts look so incredibly small…I didn’t know they could get that tight!  It was funny.  He was shivering and playing and would freak out if we took him away from the water.  He pretty much had like 20 tantrums that whole time.  It wasn’t the most fun.  He also went on a wild goose chase…literally.  He picked up and kissed and stranger’s soccer ball that had been rolling around in goose poo.  Hmmm I wonder why my MIL calls him an “individual” ha ha.

Anyway, I am much better today.  I’m just going to soldier on until this hard time has passed.  Almost done.  Or as Silas would say momost done.


  1. It shall be so soon…once the week is over things will feel alot better. moving into your own place is going to feel mighty fine even if you do rip it apart. plus I heard you got to watch our old videos. made me laugh just thinking about it.

  2. WOOOOT, I’m sooo excited for you! Only few days and you have your veryu own home, that will be awesome!:)
    Also, I am so glad your having a better day today:)!
    Have a great night babycakes!

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