Birthday Time!!

Silas the great is almost THREE!  This weekend my parents are going to be here so we’re going to have Silas’ birthday party on Saturday.  Ooooo he’s going to be thrilled.  I’ve been really bad at getting together ideas for presents.

I’m wanting to get rid of all his useless stuff and replace it with meaningful things that will help him learn and whatnot.  He’s really into music so anything musical is great.  I’m sure that hardly helped.  We’ll apreciate anything 🙂

Anyway, I’m very excited to have my parents at my house for the weekend!!  They like sleeping in Silas’ room and waking up to him saying “GOOD MORNING!” and snuggling.  He’s the best snuggler ever.

Then I can toss Ikey in the room in the morning and go back to bed 🙂


  1. Happy Birthday, Silas

    We are thinking of going up your way
    sometime during the first three weeks
    of December. Right now, our plans
    depend on my (Gram) research program – just have to plan around that now. Lots of love to all.
    Love, Gram

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