Date Night!

Brent and I happen to have the best realtor ever.  He always sends us goodies and last month we won client of the month for referring someone to him.  So we got a $100 gift certificate for Olive Garden in Langley.  We went last night and it was wonderful and delicious.  I couldn’t resist getting the Gnocchi and Brent got a steak thingie.  Yum yum yum yum yum.  I get to go again for my birthday soon which is very exciting!!  Anyway, photos photos photos.

Me and my wine

Me and my wine

Me and wine again (the same cup don’t worry)

us thanking Steve (Brent looks bad)

us thanking Steve (I look bad Brent looks a little psycho)

Brent’s yummy food.

my yummy food (it took every ounce of my being to save some leftovers)

Brent sipping wine

Brent obviously under the influence of wine…kidding…he’s winking…I think.  He’s so cute though hey?? yum yum

I couldn’t do photos without putting some of the kids in.  Silas likes to get into Ikey’s bed and they jump jump jump.  Look, it’s a free crib and they’re happy!!  Who would have thunk it?  It’s actually going to a new home this weekend because Silas’ (behind the crib) is going to be Ikey’s new one.

More bouncing in the crib.


  1. Ooooo, date nights are fun! Why don’t I ever take pictures of date nights? You look like Jennie and Juliet 🙂 Hi Ikey & Silas!

  2. You all look lovely. Brent IS a cutey. Ikey and Brent have the same haircut. Ha ha. Mmmmm, gnocci….

  3. It makes me so happy to hear you got to go out on a dateand then your food was free. Looks like (from the pics) that you left the boys home in the crib, I hhope that went well for them.

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