So today is day one of the 4 week no computer challenge!! I’m obviously not actually typing this on the computer on this day, I’ve pre-done a bunch of posts for you and I have some FABULOUS people lined up to write some blogs for you so keep coming back!! Don’t stay away on my account.
I have two of my sisters who’ll be writing a blog once a week, Jennie and Jill. Both of them are WAY better writers than I am and I’m SO pleased they’ll be doing 4 blogs each. I also have the author of My Mommy’s Place who is stinking hilarious. If you don’t read her blog, well…you should, so exciting. I also am SO happy to have Aspie Teacher writing for me as well. I met her on Twitter and found out that not only does she have Aspergers but she ALSO has hyperlexia which is what Silas has….aka his amazing ability and fascination with letters and numbers. She’s read my blog and has confirmed that he “totally has it”. I cannot WAIT to see what she has to write!! I’ve also talked my husband in to doing a post as well! He doesn’t even read my blog…so we’ll see how THAT goes ha ha. Courtenay is also blogging for me she knows me TOO well. My best friend from highschool. I’m slightly terrified about what she’s going to say ha ha ha.
Gosh, I’m probably going crazy today. The computer is my line to the outside world. It’s where I do most of my communicating. It’s where I entertain myself. But gosh it distracts me. But really, my purposes for this are mainly spiritual. You know, growth through restraint. I wanna see who emerges from inside of me when I’m not zombie’d out on the computer all the time.
It doesn’t matter that I have a laptop, a desktop distracts me just as much. I just like computers sooooooo much!! Ahhhh.
Hopefully after so much restraint, I’ll be able to have more willpower when it comes to using the computer. The emails aren’t going anywhere, neither is Facebook or my blog. I don’t need to check it all the time!!
Anyway, I’m so excited about my guest bloggers and I’ll make my husband read the blogs to me every night.
If you know me and need to talk to me…PHONE ME!! The internet makes it too easy to connect superficially and I’m really seeing it’s effect on my relationships…CALL ME!
Ha ha. I called Leah at least 3 times today. So pleasant to talk with her when she’s not also “chatting” with her online friends. Yay Leah.
And come back on Wednesday to read MY post people!
I am also looking forward to read what your “substitute” bloggers will write. And a great big pat on the back for your positive action to curb your blogging/internet distractions. Strive for the ability to pursue the right priorities.
I’m excited to write for you! Thanks for letting me!