Ages ago I heard this whisper of a roomer of these supposed amazing banana cookies somewhere on The recipe apparently consisted of just banana, oats, oil and vanilla. It sounded too good to be true, a waste of time…banana things are yicky. I put the thought aside and carried on with life without these crazy HEALTHY cookies. PSHAW.
Today, as I got home from the grocery store with loads of groceries and ZERO diapers (which I went for in the first place) I also remembered that I needed butter. I had told the kids that I would make cookies with them after lunch. What to do what to do?
For some reason I remembered the old wives tale of the delicious banana cookie and, like a true fan of Mythbusters, I decided to do my own busting whilst keeping the children happy.
We set ourselves up at the counter and got to work. Mushing banana, adding oats, stirring in dried fruit chocolate chips (who wouldn’t?). Into the oven it went.
We sat, restless, for the 20 minute baking time. We fretted, we paced, we anticipated groseness but hoped for a deliciously remarkably healthy cookie we could enjoy over and over and over again. The house smelled amazing.
“BEEP” sounded the timer. The children rushed to their seats. I removed the cookies from the sheet. They looked suspicious to me. And then..
My tastebuds exploded with glee. What a delicious delicious HEALTHY cookie. I gobbled down three or four before I could stop myself. MMMMMMMMMM. They’re kind of like little mini banana granola bars.
The boys happily downed their share. K Silas ate like six and Isaac ate like 1 but Isaac would prefer to have a beet over an orange so…whatever. He’s not a sweets guy.
They were scrumptious. You all must make them and eat them and add neat new things to them.

Anyway, cookies. Yum. Go make some with your kids. They’re super duper easy peasy. Lemme know how they turned out. Lemme know what u did to customize them.
and now for some cuteness, because I know that’s what you come here for.

And in case u didn’t get the link by clicking on the recipe then here it is I don’t wanna break any laws by posting it on here without the linky love.
Ooh! Can’t wait to try these!
Gonna’ make those very soon…I’d do it tonight but I’m very sleep deficit today. The photos oh the photos are soooo wonderful thanks for “having me over at your house” in that way today…it is a real joy.
Oh yes I like the hair cut they look so summery….do you have summer already or spring for that matter.
spring is very much merging into summer.
I don’t think I’ve ever liked it when they got haircuts. Why is that? I think I like them looking unkempt. It goes better with the dirt and crust? But these cuts are pretty cute.
So, you just skipped the dates?
totally skipped.
Thanks for posting this! I immediately got to work with Ephram to bake a batch (who thought baking involved more licking of the spoon and picking the choco chips out of the cookies on the pan pre-baking.) After I made them I thought skor bits would be delicious in there too…or dried cranberries, or raisins…the possibilities are endless!
or sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds…or nuts if you’re lucky to not be allergic. Orrrrr dried blueberries! Ohhhh the possibilities!
Can’t wait to try these!! Super cute pics too!! 🙂
i just love 🙂 i cant wait to try these cookies