Typically, I am a reasonable person. In my older years I’ve gotten a bit nutty around PMS time but I’m still able to tell my husband that I understand I’m being irrational. This pregnancy I’ve also felt pretty OK but I’ve felt some pretty irrational things and done a few irrational things worth noting.
- I noticed I had a lot more fun pushing my eldest sister’s buttons a few weekends ago…sorry Jennie
- A REALLY old lady honked at me for not moving the second the light turned green. I gave her the finger…I gave her the finger so hard. I held my arm up there until her car faded into the horizon behind me.
- I get irrationally angry when people use hashtags on facebook and sometimes hide their posts from my timeline so I don’t have to see it.
- Sometimes I need dessert in a violent way.
- If something isn’t going my way you’ll hear “I hate everything” come out of my mouth…but it’s usually in a whisper.
- I yell at cars that speed through our school zone…like they would actually hear me.
- I dropped my kids off at school on Monday and then cried because I miss them.
OK I’m going to shut up now before you all start thinking I’m a terrible person 🙂