10 Things I’ll Do Differently With Baby Number 3

215700_5618276100_1968_nI had my first two boys in my early twenties.  I was young, I had them close together, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  There’s been such a gap between those two little monsters and this little baby in my belly that I’ve changed.  I’ll be in my 30’s when this monkey comes and I have my mind set on doing things a bit different.

  1. I’m going to research coping techniques during labour a bit more.  I know I CAN cope and have a natural delivery but I want to be able to be a bit more calm and really enjoy the experience.  I’m learning about hypnobirthing and it excites me.
  2. I’m going to be more ready for the delivery.  I won’t just have a change of clothes, a baby outfit and a toothbrush in my hospital bag.  I’m starting to make a delivery playlist so I have music to listen to – the nurses put on Sting when I was in labour with Silas and it was lovely.  I’m also bringing candles, massage oil, my own giant shirt to deliver in instead of a hospital gown, snacks, some celebratory bubbly, a blanket from home, comfortable PJ’s (no hospital gown!), and what else have I not thought of?  Anyone?
  3. When baby is born I am leaving the cord attached until it stops pulsating, I don’t want vitamin K shots or goops or anything on or in my baby unless 100% necessary.
  4. I’m using a midwife instead of a doctor.
  5. When home, I’m going to try to not isolate myself so much.  I’m such a hermit.
  6. We have two bigger boys with schedules, this baby is going to have to learn to take naps in different places.  I’m really hoping it doesn’t only nap in it’s own crib.  I’m sending easy going baby vibes to it right now.
  7. I’m going to be more relaxed.  Not that I wasn’t already but I kinda flipped out the first while after having my two boys.  I had so much anxiety and I’m going to be better at coping with it.  I wont resent night time feedings like I did with Isaac.  I’ve learned how to just breathe and I’m going to use that to my benefit.
  8. I’m going to try to keep battery operated toys to a minimum and natural wooden toys to a maximum.  I already have a ton of toddler ones from Silas’ therapy and I’m wishing for a few more baby ones.
  9. I WILL cloth diaper this time.  I’ve done it a bit but they’ve changed SO much from when I did it that it seems easier and less hassle.  Plus I have a lot more people around me who do it so I’ll have better support.
  10. I savored every moment as best I could with Isaac but I will savor MORE.  I’m so bonded to this baby already (planned babies…who woulda thunk it?) and I just plan to breathe in every moment of delivery, of seeing them for the first time, our first time nursing and how they smell.  I’m going to savor the infant stage and not resent all the free space that’s now occupied.  Newborns have always been hard for me to bond with but I’m determined to enjoy every moment of it.  I want to commit it all to memory.  Take in every bit.  Breathe them in as much as possible.  Enjoy the tiny tiny little human that’s about to grow so fast.


What would you do differently?

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  1. I second the pj’s and the music. I totally agree with the pulsing cord. We collected cord blood with both girls and they filled us in on that bit. I would pack a hairdryer. I forgot that both times, and I would bring something that I like to drink!
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