Yay Obama!

I know a lot of people cringe when they read the title but I’m SO proud of America today.  I’ve been tingling with excitement all day long.

Yesterday was a BIG day for America.  You voted in your first African American president!  It annoyed me how much race was such a big deal this election, pigment is….pigment.  I wish we didn’t even see that.  It’s a stupid thing to describe a person as.  We’re all people.

Anyway, like Obama said last night to those of you who didn’t vote for him, he’s YOUR president and he’s going to listen to you.  I trust you wont regret him getting voted in.  The rest of the world wanted Obama in for a reason.  Change is good!!

I’m beyond happy about the vote, I didn’t think America would do it to be perfectly honest.  YAY YOU GUYS!!


  1. like it or not, with history being as it is, we do see color. and, not seeing it may deny a person their past and their hardships and where they came from. i don’t want to be color-blind, i want to be “color aware.” there is so much i don’t know about history, it’s driving me nuts! I am so happy Obama won as well, and i thought McCain was a gracious non-winner. if anything people are paying WAY more attention to politics, me included, and that is so good. i can’t wait to see what positive changes come from this election.

  2. The point is – who cares what colour or half colour he is – white, black, brown, green, purple. IRRELEVANT.

    I kinda disagree with Jilly – is that Jilly my sister or another Jilly? We should be skin-colour-aware only in the same way that we’re eye-colour-aware or hair-colour-aware. In this day of immigration/emigration – we can’t make ANY assumptions about a person’s history, culture or religion based on the colour of their skin.

    My skin is very olive – positively green in some light. What does that say about me? Was I raised privileged? Where was I raised? What choices did my ancestors make that lead to me being who I am and where I am?


    “Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. Let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House — a party founded on the values of self-reliance, individual liberty, and national unity. Those are values we all share, and while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.”

  3. I am strongly discouraged by our President-Elect. He says he will listen to us. He may listen, but he will do NOTHING about the moral/godly issues that are decaying in our country because he fully supports every one of them…. abortion, gay rights, gay marriage, banning prayer, removing God from government, etc. etc. I’m appalled that Christians voted for someone who is so adamantly against the truth in the God’s word.

    I will pray, that’s for sure. There ain’t no Yaaaay-ing in this house.

  4. I’m SO happy Obama won!!! As a first time voter, I’m very proud to have been a part of this election. I AM a Christian, and I AM for gay marriage and gay rights etc. Not all Christians have the same opinions on these matters. I also think God and politics are two seperate things.

  5. I, too, am relieved and thrilled that America voted in such numbers for Barack Obama. I trust him to be a true leader.

    Rixgal, I fully understand your need to find leaders who share your same values. Considering the wide variety of religions (and non-religions) that make up our great and free country, it makes sense to me that our government remain open and willing to represent all of them, not just one. Therefore, it is imperative that we maintain the separation of church and state upon which our country was founded. We are lucky that we live in a country in which we are free to choose our own religious leaders, our friends, and our spouses based on our particular values. That should suffice. Otherwise, we end up meddling a little too much in each other’s business. Live and let live. Peace.

  6. I was so relieved! I cried tears of joy when I watched his acceptance speech. I now have more faith in my fellow Americans. And I am excited to soon have a President that will stand up for all people.

  7. Rixgal-
    I respect your opinion, I truly do. I was raised in a family with a grandfather who was a Lutheran minister and we went to church every single Sunday and I attended sunday school regularly. But, I decided long ago that the God I was going to worship was one that accepted everyone… Everyone. I didn’t want to believe in a God that was so exclusive. Even as a young child all of the songs we sang in Sunday school reflected this value.

    So, I have a hard time when people say that gay marriage and gay rights are decaying our country. How about all of the violence, rape, murder and drug use? Those are the people that are really hurting our country, in my opinion.

  8. I loved that speech Jennie. Christians found a way to flambaste him for it though.

    Alexis, Anon and Sarah, thanks for your comments, I agree 100%

    Rix – I don’t really look at those issues to be main factors is choosing a leader. They really have nothing to do with running a country. I’m more concerned about social programs, foreign affairs, integrity as a whole, if they’re a militant or not…etc. A leader needs to run a whole country, not just try and moralize it for one people group. Abortion is already legal, gay people aren’t there for us to judge and praises to them for wanting to me monogamous! Prayer is something impossible to be banned…we’re in constant union with the spirit around us. It would make me sick if Christians made prayer come back into schools. Lets PLEASE not force our religion on people by making them pray!

    And where would we then draw the line? Should we make it illegal to divorce? What about getting drunk? Where do we draw the line? Why have we chosen these few “moral” issues as what’s important in choosing a leader? Yes it’s sad that unborn babies are being killed and it hurts my heart very much, but if we outlawed it we’d have more kids in the system and more of those “dreaded” social programs (which I’m 100% for btw). We’d also be creating criminals because people are just plain going to do it anyway. It’s not ever black and white to me.

    I was raised with those same beliefs as you have but I’ve eventually decided to make my own mind up about what I believe with politics. Sara and Alexis did a great job of explaining it.

  9. I couldn’t have said it better, Leah. thank you.

    I always wondered why people who say they are christians wanted to force prayer in school on others. There are so many other religions, at least where I live, that you would be forcing it on jewish, muslim, atheist, kaballah, etc… doesn’t quite seem fair in “the land of the free”. I thought America was supposed to be a great “melting pot”. How can we claim this name if we are keeping everyone separated and excluded?

    sorry, just my 2 cents.

  10. WOW, so much to comment about. First of all I am so tickled that my granddaughters are so interested in U.S. politics, even to the point of voting. I didn’t vote for him because of some of my conservative concerns in regards to abortions, future supreme court judge appointments, a continued close support for Israel (to be determined).
    Rixgal- I thoroughly agree with your statements.
    Jilly- I hope there are “good” positive changes.
    anon- All Christian opinions should be based on God’s inspired writing in the Bible, not just opinions formed by con-vincing speakers/doers. And when I use the term Christian, to me that means a person who not only believes God’s Word, but one that has had a very personal, real, memorable experience when changing from a “sinner” status to a “saved” status as described in God’s inspired word.
    The Infor. Mat. – You are right, we can pray anywhere but the significant point is that so many, including the ACLU, are determined to suppress many such activities. Our religious history encouraged prayer, not minimizing it, but you don’t hear that mediawize.
    Sarah- Maybe because I have 80 plus years behind me, our country’s religious beginnings and history are very precious and meaningful to me. Religious tolerance is fine but some would not accept tolerance. There are many examples taking place right now in this day and age.
    Love you all.

  11. I think it is pretty easy to say color doesn’t matter when we belong to an ethnic group who has not been repressed for 100’s of years because of the color of skin.

    I agree that when a person comes into our coffee shop, we serve them coffee. Does color matter in that situation? No. (just an example) Should we make assumptions of people based on the color of their skin, No.

    However, when a man becomes president of the United States, a position previously reserved for men with white skin, and we are privvy to his past and family and beliefs, color certainly does matter.

    Why, when a non-caucasion person runs for president, does color suddenly not matter. It has mattered 43 times before.

    It would be awesome if it didn’t matter, and maybe some day it won’t. The men that have been in power for the last kabillion years though have made sure it does, and it may take a long time for it to change. (Yes, I know there are woman in positions of power as well, but let’s face it, men do the ruling!)

    Would I vote for Obama just because of the color of his skin? No. Am I proud of him for becoming the first black president of the ole US of A and for portraying himself as a kind and open minded man? Absolutely.

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