A Few Words and Some PHOTOS!

Feeling slightly less blurry eyed after a nap.  Although I woke to both of my children screaming, yikes., thank God for Grandmas.  Although it was Grandma that was making Isaac scream…bum change.

I feel like I’m two timing my children, that I’m not allowed to love them the same or at the same time.  It’s very weird.  Silas hasn’t shown much jealousy at all.  He hates it when I hold other children but he’s doing amazing.  He’s incredibly tender towards Isaac and will kiss him and smell his hair.  He sits beside me for a bit when I nurse him and he says “baby baby”.  He already knows that the baby sleeps in the bassinette and is trying to climb up to see, we’ll have to break that habit soon.  If he gets on his tippy toes he can just see in.  I’m scared he’s going to knock it over.  He even brings blankets to the baby and put them on him and says “cuddle” and puts his head down on him.  It’s weird that Silas feels such a connection to him, he must just know somehow.  He’s never like this with other babies.

Anyway, a few photo’s for your viewing delight, you’ll get many more in the future.


first cuddle with daddy


wide awake the next morning.  Dangit we make cute babies!


  1. It all feels so far away,wish with all my heart I was there. The pictures help alot, he is beautiful.

  2. Very sweet pics! I love his name, too, much better than Chim chim. That sounds like a monkey’s name. I am so glad that Silas is looking after his little brother… I have been wondering about that because we might decide to have another one, though I hesitate because of my age. I was wondering how my little one would react to a brother or sister. I guess it all works out in the end.

    Congratulations and enjoy!

  3. Oh, Leah, he’s absolutely gorgeous! I liked Chim Chim – it always made me think of the Mary Poppins song. Sounds like the labour was a bit tough, but it’s nice to know the memory of it will fade. Congrats and enjoy your boys!

  4. Oh, he’s a sweetie! And I love the name Isaac.

    I guess I should have mentioned the emotional shock that comes along with a speedy labour, huh? I confess, I forgot that part. With number 3, I expected it and it wasn’t such a shock, so I forgot how brutal number 2’s birth was.

    Even though you feel better than after Silas, you must be very careful to make sure to get enough rest. It is a very common second-timer mistake to push yourself too hard, especially after a fast birth and when you feel like you are doing better than last time. Rest A LOT. That’s an order from your long-distance doula.

    Oh, another hint – earplugs. As a new mom, you are tuned into every little noise, but you need your rest. When you know dad or Grandma is looking after the kids and will wake you when Isaac needs you, go have a nap with earplugs so crying from bum-changes won’t wake you. Because you need your rest – did I mention that?

    Oh, and congratulations!

  5. That is the CUTEST hat! What a cutie!

    Try and take it easy. The first little while with the second goes even faster than the first. I’m glad that Silas is being so sweet! One of my favorite pictures is the one where Vivian met Ros-she’s about 1 inch from her, and they’re both staring at each other. It’s very cool how they just “know”, isn’t it?

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