I don’t feel like blogging today because I’m a grumbling ball of grumpiness. Sorry, I wish I had nice things to say more often. I’m starting to blame the birth control and as of tomorrow, I’m done with it. Bye bye stupid birth control. I give up on it. I’ll just abstain until my husband gets the snip snip…that’ll be good motivation for him to make that stinking appointment already!! Ha ha ha.
You’re done reproducing? But you make such cute kids!
Done like dinner baby
Haha 😛
You’re funny. I do understand though…even my one is a lot of work!
i havent been on bc since i had the baby. i tried for a few days and it drove me crazy.
I’ve taken the mini-pill since I had baby, it’s not the greatest but it doesn’t affect my milk. I’m taking it for 6 months and then we’ll decide if I’ll switch or not. I always forget the stupid thing and then I have to catch up. So I can about imagine how good it’s actually working.
Abstaining?! Oooh good luck on *that*. heheh
ha ha ha
HAHAHAHA!! You know, I stopped taking my BCP because I was convinced they were making me insane. My mood swings were TERRIBLE!! My husband finally got a vasectomy after a YEAR of nagging, begging, and pleading.
Birth control is SCARY! and ya, good luck with the “abstaining”!! hahah!
BCP always sucked for me. Can’t blame you.
Maybe make the appointment for him? 😛