Cough Cough Cough

So, almost done Silas’ diagnosis.  The psychologist told me he’s certain Silas has autism, he’s just got to figure out the severity and which type it is.  More things were pointed out to me that I didn’t realize about Silas.

Today I am excited.  I’m excited to start therapy.  I’m feeling able to make phone calls.  Excited to turn the boy who I just spent half an hour restraining because he was running head first into walls and grabbing anything hard and hitting himself in the head with it turn into someone who can communicate and function and…my dream…just be himself 🙂  Whoever Silas is.  I want that.  I just want him to be at his full potential…and perhaps to stop hitting me and Ikey.

So this ABA therapy thing, I’m realizing…I’m going to have a lot of time with Ikey.  ABA is best when it’s done 1 on 1.  They’re suggesting at least 40 hours a week for Silas which means…he’ll be in his room all day with a therapist.  The thought slightly troubles me.  I like to be in charge of my child.  Whoever this/these therapists are…I’m going to have to have a lot of trust for them.

I could do therapy myself but….I don’t have time.  I have Ikey.  It wouldn’t work.  I’m going to have to trust, and go with my gut.  Interesting.  I’m excited though.  This is going to be great.

How does 30-40 hrs a week with an ABA therapist fit in to him also seeing and OT and a speech therapist and going to mental health for whatever they do?  Plus going to see the DAN doctor when we find funds for that plus hopefully finishing off his NAET treatments to see if that will have any help?  Who knows.  Suddenly the days are much too short.  These long ABA days wont last forever, usually about 2 years of the long days and that prepares him for school.  We’ll see.

I have a bad cough, it’s driving me crazy.


  1. I know what you mean about the days are too short- I often feel that way with my son. I try really hard to find a balance to get him several hours of therapy at school, several hours of play time/down time after school, and time for ABA several days after school- it is very hard to balance it all. You do have to trust the ABA therapist- and it is hard at first- but I would recommend after he adjusts to sit in on sessions or to watch over a video camera, etc. to learn the techniques she uses with him and apply them at home- I find this very helpful. Hope you feel better soon- I have the croup myself 🙁

  2. Hi Honey,
    Yah for everything that’s going on! Gosh, trusting another person with little Silas will be a tough one. 40 hours seems like soooooo much! I am praying that you get the creamo of ABA therapists so that it will make that 40 hours blessed for all involved. xxoo

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