In Labour

6:27 pm

Contractions getting harder to bear, it’s been three hours of them being fairly far apart but they’re starting to feel like they’re closing in on me.  Each one makes me want to hold onto a wall, bend my knees with my legs spread apart and sway back and forth.  Right now they seem to be around 10 minutes apart but haven’t become totally regular.  They hurt bad enough for me to know it’s getting to be time.   I just showered because for some reason I want to feel as fresh as possible right now.  Brent is getting Silas ready to go to Jennie and Terry’s for the night and my mom is on her way.  I’m going to get dressed now for the journey to Jennie and Terry’s.  I don’t want to be alone.  I’m thinking this might come on fast, or be super slow…who knows? I’ll update you perhaps later.


  1. I’m so excited!!!!! I even want to be woke up at night , whenbaby gets here. When I read about your false labor yesterday I figured it was coming soon. I’m praying for a smooth “trip”.

  2. Wow! Thanks for telling us! I am so excited! I can’t wait to hear all about Chim-chim, and how it all went. Best of luck to you guys!

  3. Leahhhhh!!!!! YAY!!!! I am sooooo excited for you!! I will be thinking of you and praying for you, Love ya hun!! All the best and God bless!!XXX!!!

  4. Leah had a healthy baby boy and that is all I am saying…except that he came fast…and Leah rocked!
    xo Leah’s sister Jill

  5. Hi Leah!
    I’m one of Colin and Leanne’s friends from church. Not sure if you remember me but we met Lucas’ birthday party. I’ve been catching up on all your old blogs and I just read that you had your baby. Congratulations! I hope you’re doing well and I can’t wait to read about your story.

  6. YAY!!!WOOOOOOOTTTT!! So excited for your family:)! He is sooooo beautiful! Congratulations babycakes!!!!All the best!!XXXOOO!!

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