Jenny Hatch is a gorgeous 28 year old woman who has Down Syndrome. Recently, she has been stripped of her rights as a human being. Please watch this short news clip about this tragic story. Everyone Needs to know about it.
It baffles me that there are people in this world who treat people with disabilities like second class citizens, even worse sometimes. So many are being stripped of their humanity. I have noooooo clue why Jenny Hatch’s parents decided to first, kick her out of their home and second, put her somewhere where she doesn’t want to be when there’s a family who loves her and wants to care for her. BAFFLING.
As a parent of a child with special needs, I will say that I WILL NEVER EVER EVER FREAKING DO THAT TO MY CHILD EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER! And if the government wants to strip him of his rights, I will cut them till they bleed out.
I don’t know what her parents were thinking but it’s just too freaking hard not to judge a person based on this story. I’m all fired up.
Just because a person isn’t “typical” does not mean they are any less valuable as a human being. It does not mean their feelings are not valid. When you do something to degrade them, they feel it as hard as you do. Jenny Hatch is a living, breathing, valuable person just like anyone else in this world. Down Syndrome doesn’t not take away any of her value or humanity.
You can go sign the petition here.
Please share her story, it needs to be told. The more people know, the more can be done for Jenny Hatch.
Your story about Jenny Hatch is incomplete, one-sided, and full of false information. People should not get “fired up” and combative without knowing the full story. The truth of Jenny’s situation will be told in a court and settled by a jury; it cannot be resolved in the court of public opinion.
I didn’t tell a story, I shared the story on the news. You’re obviously tied in with “the other side” I didn’t speak of and I’m sure you have your reasons.