Ugh, I think Silas has asthma. BOOOOOOOOOOO.
It’s happened 4 times now, coughing after running. Yesterday was the WORST. I think because of the weather. It rained after loads of sunny days which always does it to me. The rain brings down all the pollution. Plus it was muggy out.
He starts coughing lots and lots, nothing makes me cough like that other than horses and certain cats that induce my asthma. The coughs were pretty wheezy sounding and I listened to his breath and I could hear that there was some wheeze in that too.
Poor kiddo, he had it coming. He had RSV as a weeeee baby and had to be hospitalized which totally ups the chances of asthma. I have asthma. He lives at the coast so there’s loads of pollution and then he’s already got a peanut allergy and allergies and asthma are related. Poor kiddo.
Mine doesn’t ever get like that when I exercise. I hardly ever have to take my puffer. Every once in a while I need to for not much of an apparent reason. I had to a lot when I was preggers with Silas. I never take it when I work out, I just don’t need it that badly and the more I work out, the better it gets.
Silas doesn’t run around a lot, he’s not a high energy kiddo so I guess that’s why it’s been a while figuring out if he has it or not. I’ve noticed the coughing a few times before. Never that bad though. We have an appointment next Tuesday with my trusty doc who diagnosed him with asthma once…but he really had life threatening RSV…now he can diagnose him with asthma again and he’ll most likely be right. BUT he visited Silas in the hospital every morning and looked verrrry sheepish about it all. He’s the rockinest doctor despite his miseducation about natural family planning that lead to the life of our dear Silas and despite that fact that you usually wait an hour to see him. Seriously, I love this guy…he always counsels me at the same time and says “that’s not Silas he’s too big!!” and “when are you having more babies?? You make beautiful babies, you need to make more!” “have you had your pap test recently?”. He’s a great dude and will spend an hour with you if you need it.
I am glad I don’t feel like I could have done more to prevent this. His environment has always been safe for asthma…I nursed him forever, he ate organic his first year, he still eats healthy, we use healthy cleaning products. I’m just not so good with the whole dust thing…oh well. I have loads of plants to clean the air and no animals other than my fishy. I guess if I didn’t do all of that stuff it might have all been way worse, who knows. Like I said, he had it coming to him.
I’m just sad about it a little. I know it’s manageable. Hopefully he’ll grow more out of it like I did. Mine was never very bad though, I only had to go to the hospital once for an attack which was brought on by allergies. My puffer doesn’t touch anything when it’s allergy induced.
Anyway, peanut allergy and potential asthma…what next??
Here’s some photos of the cuteness that hath sprung forth from my womb.

So cute. But still a stinker.
You take amazing pictures, LOVE the top one!
Thanks for “bringing” Ikee and Silas by my house for a photo visit…I must have the cutest grandlids in the world.
so, so, so…. cute!