The Diagnosis Blues

The love I have for my children is the most vulnerable and scary love in the whole world.  You put your heart out as far as it can go, almost naively, without knowing how easily broken it is.  I think every mother’s heart gets broken.   Some get broken more, some less.  This most beautiful… Continue reading The Diagnosis Blues


There a messageboard that I go to that’s all about autism.  We talk about everything there.  Some woman mentioned her son’s fascination with letters and spelling so I told her my son was like that also. To that she replies: ” I know- you don’t see it very often- it is called hyperlexia- look it… Continue reading Hyperlexia?

Private Practice Scores a Big, Fat ZERO

Anyone watch Private Practice last night?  If you did, you’ll know why I feel rather insulted by it.  If not, let me catch you up on what happened. The show was about a mother of three sons.  Her eldest has autism and the other two kids are typical.  They’ve just returned from Europe where her… Continue reading Private Practice Scores a Big, Fat ZERO