Funding is…Well…a Joke.

I was sickened the other day when I found out that the 20 grand the government gives me for Silas’ therapy (OT, Speech, ABA) only covers 8-10 hours of ABA a week.  My dear little Silas needs 30-40 hours a week…soooooooo liiiikkkeeee 60-70 grand-ish.  That’s obviously not covering OT and speech and a DAN dr and organic food and supplements and and and and and and and and.

I was pretty thrown off kilter when that one hit me.  So many kids falling through the cracks, not getting the best, because our douchebag government wont pay for them to succeed.

Where do we find the rest of the money?  UGH.

There’s a few things running through my head but it’s all very overwhelming.  I need….a gala…orrrrr…who knows.  We need to double our income…and then a little more.  Argh.

But one thing I do know, I aint letting this kid fall through the cracks because of money, he’ll some how, some way get all the things he needs.  I just don’t know how yet.  I know selling Arbonne will help us quite a bit there is a way for me to make enough from that.

Any ideas?  Ya I know I kinda asked before but no one said anything.  C’mon all you lurky lurkers out there…one of you has GOT to have an imagination??


  1. I know what you mean- we live in TX and they passed a law saying the insurance companies have to pay for therapies related to autism, but it falls through the cracks here too- the insurance that my son is on is through his dad’s employer and their policy won’t cover it- soooooooo frustrating. We cashed in Lucas’ college account and we are spending some of it on ABA- we are only doing 3 -5 hours of ABA a week but he also gets more at the public school he attends. Don’t worry about 30-40 hours a week- just do the best you can. Watch the therapist work with him and use the tools they use with him to work with him at home. I do it all day with Lucas and it helps so much.

  2. Many of the people in my classes have a child who has autism. They are taking the class because they can’t get enough funding to cover all the therapy and stuff. So they are learning to do it themselves. I think it’s a brilliant idea to compensate for the lack of funding. 2 years of school goes by pretty fast too. Plus it’s online so you can still be at home with the munchkins.
    Also I’m told Alberta funding is WAY better. Not that I want you to move, but you wanted ideas.
    AND. I’d be more than happy to give you any resources and ideas I learn at school if you want them.

  3. I wonder why it is not covered under a birth defect? My dd was born with a cleft lip and palate and everything she will ever need, plastic surgery to speach therapy once a week is fully 100% covered. Since all the drug companies are saying autism is not caused my vaccines than it should not qualify as a birth defect? Just my 2 cents.

  4. I was touched by your post!!!

    I do not know what it’s like to have to deal with all of this, but I do know what it’s like to have a little one and want to give him/her only the best!

    I know of a lady that introduced me to a supplement company. I will gladly get her in contact with you if you’d like to know more… which will help with the health of your child and provide that extra money you are looking for! Let me know, I will be more then happy to get you and her on a call =)

    God bless you!


  5. Yes, Alberta is a leader when it comes to Autism research/resources/funding etc.

    I think your idea of a concert was brilliant!

  6. Concert would be very cool.

    I would really encourage you to also purse the photography that we both know you are awsome at! It reminded me that it is almost time for Naomi to get her two year old pictures done, and I can think of no one better than you to do them.

    Another thought, what about recording a CD that you could sell to raise $ for treatment. Maybe all original songs, or one of all kids songs, or a mix?
    Just a thought

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