Silas is passed out on the couch right now, I’m not sure whether to move him to his bed or not. He’s all nestled in there and he looks so peaceful. I’ll move him in a bit I think. I just wanna crawl in and snuggle him.
So yesterday Isaac was preoccupied with with CD player…meaning opening it and taking out the CD then closing it, then opening it and putting the CD and closing it and pushing some buttons, then opening it….etc. So Silas and I had some alone time to do something together.
Silas, of course, wanted to do some ABC stuff on his chalk board. The other day I was drawing just parts of letters and having Silas finish them which he surprisingly did a good job at. Then he drew an A all by himself!! The first time he’s felt confident enough to draw something! So yesterday I decided to work more with him on writing his letters.
He really surprised me with how well he did. He wanted me to be holding onto his hand while he did it and half way through we started a new system where we’d trace the shape of the letter with our finger a bunch of times before he drew it and that REALLY helped him with each letter. I only actually helped him draw 2 or 3 letters. I’m totally impressed. I’ll show you photos at the end of the blog.
So on Monday we have an appointment with the pediatritian to see if Silas is still allergic to peanuts. It’s been soooooo long since he’s had a reaction so…again, my prayers, I know you’re out there. Perhaps perhaps perhaps God wants to take this one off our shoulders…miracle time? Who knows…pray though…please 🙂
Anyway, PHOTOS!

He’s so smart.
Dang, that boy prints better than his Aunti Jill! 🙂
What a great kid. See you soon. Love,Gram
Wow, that’s amazing! Good work Silas!
And I love the huge blackboard. Did you use blackboard paint on the wall or is it an actual board?
Isn’t it exciting! Lucas just started writing his letters by himself a few months ago and he spells words all the time now- it is so cool, huh? These little guys are 3 and 4 and can write neater than most adults 🙂
Wow, Silas is amazing. Can’t believe he fell asleep on the couch! Cutey pie.