Bye Bye Boobies

This morning Silas slept through his usual nursing time, I usually will nurse him whenever he wakes up but today I didn’t. I just brought him some toys, put on Black Eyed Peas for him and went back to bed (I love that about my son). He was fine and hasn’t seemed to miss it at all. Hopefully he’s not going to wake up tomorrow morning and demand it at all. I think that I’ll still nurse him if he does. He’s been sleeping through his nursing time a lot lately so I think he’s ready to be done with it. My boobies aren’t even full and angry at me either! I’m just trying to not think about me missing it at all, I’ll have a new one to be slurping away at my bosoms very soon so I think I’ll be okay. These boobies have a lot of work ahead of them still, no time to mourn a little break from the slurping now.

Silas turns 15 months today! He’s acting less and less like a baby every day and it makes me sad. He’s getting so funny too. Brent and I will just sit on the couch and watch him and laugh our heads off. The way he dances (with his tongue out as far out it will go), the way he sings, his little noises. It’s all very entertaining and sometimes we’re very surprised at what he’s picking up. He’ll just chime in on a song that’s playing on our itunes, he’s really been listening. This month he’s just gotten much better at walking and running. He’s developing his singing rather nicely. He’s learned how to tip a cup up to drink out of it. He will bring me something he’s not supposed to be touching when I tell him to (except once which was this morning when he ran the other way as fast as he could), sometimes he brings them to me when I don’t ask. Good boy…I mean good behavior!

I’m in a cleaning mood! How exciting, I guess I’ll have to keep this short so the computer doesn’t suck the energy out of me like it usually does. I have my cutlery soaking in hot water right now, it needs to be polished. We have beautiful brushed stainless steel stuff but it gets little rust spots on it from being in the dishwasher. A little stainless steel cleaner does it trick, it’s actually kinda fun.

Anyway, I’m going to make myself and egg salad sandwich and get back to the cleaning, gotta keep the muscles warm or I start to hurt. Once they cool I can’t actually walk much so I best keep them a-going. I’m doing myself a stupidly expensive favour and going to the chiropractor and hopefully he can fix me up a bit. Anyone want to pay for me to get weekly massages? Mom?? OK CLEANING TIME!!

(sorry, boring post today)


  1. Really? I’m totally frightened. I’ve been cleaning so much I haven’t noticed the lovely wet marks on my shirt…I guess my boobies don’t like Silas not nursing.

  2. I stopped breast feeding around 14 – 15 months too. It’s so bitter sweet. I am glad your body is transitioning easily to let you stop on your own terms. Mine got engorged like crazy….

    Enjoy your beautiful baby!

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