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Thirteen Things about The Informal Matriarch |
13 things I’m proud of
- My musical abilities, especially my singing voice.
- Teaching myself to sing harmony and then teaching myself to find the 3rd part on the fly. I had to learn that quickly because of singing at the church I’m at, I figured it out and now I’m usually the one called upon to sing some of the boring parts…cuz I’m the one of the only ones who can find them quickly…booo…ha ha.
- My relationship with my Mom and sisters and brother. We’re all so very close and I think I’m on the phone with all of them every day (except my brother…you know dudes, bah!). We’re almost in constant communication with phone calls, emails and text messages. Those are my best friends.
- Carrying, giving birth to and nursing two beautiful boys.
- My marriage, it’s not perfect but we sure get along well. I love that we never ever argue over stupid things. I’d say we choose our battles almost too wisely.
- Being a home owner.
- Being able to sing in front of hundreds of people. I love the rush I get afterwards, I miss it sooo much.
- Losing so much weight last year and stopping the emotional eating habit. Now, I only need to remember how the heck I did that.
- My hairdressing ability, I actually think I’m pretty good, and I’m super confident in it.
- I’m rather introspective and able to find out what’s going on inside of me (mentally and physically). I think Jill had a lot to do with that. She can trace her issues back to a little candy she had three days ago…
- My skinny fingers and wrists. No matter how plump I’ve gotten, they’re still lovely and skinny…I can just stare at them and not in the mirror. Thanks for those Mom!
- Being a Mom. I’ve almost completely lost myself in the process but it is ever so rewarding
- My cooking, just ask my husband…or Leanne…I’m sure she’ll say something..ha ha.
I wanted to write all of that because my blogs have been so down lately, thought I should say some positive things about myself mainly to bring myself up. A good exercise when you’re down.
In other news…
(K I’ve been wanting to write that for two days now…he he he..I’m funny…right??)
Silas has hit a MAJOR learning curve lately. His shape sorter is now fully in use and this week he’s learned how to do it, almost. He’s also learned most of the names of the shapes and the color yellow. He’s been counting to 10 for a while now which I think is rather clever seeing he’s only 22 mos. He’s figured out a lot of toys and is using them for their proper purpose rather than just finding what spins on them. I really think it’s time for some new toys, ones more geared towards learning. (I’m hearing some action in Ikey’s pants. He’s pooping again in the bouncy chair Reformattingmybrain. How come he always stares at me when he does that?) Silas also needs some winter clothes. I guess I need to do a bit of shopping. I can’t wait for his birthday.
Ikey had a fever last night and this morning. Motrin took it away for the time being. I don’t know what it’s all about. I guess teeth could be coming, I do see a little white under his gums.
I love what BlueMilk said in my comments this morning
“…the yummy mummy thing is a big myth to make sure that mothers don’t get any down time from being objectified – it means they aren’t valued for their work as mothers, their capacity as people, they have to get right back to looking sexy which costs money. It’s just about making us all buy stuff. ”
So true. So very true, thanks for bringing it back into perspective for me.
Happy TT to you. I love singing harmony…
Great TT! Sometimes we just need to be up lifting to ourselves! It also helps keep others from walking all over us if we know our own value.
A nice happy TT. Mine is about books.
Sure, I’ll say something about your cooking…it’s super amazing AND incredible. Mmmm. Leah’s cooking. Yum.
I’d say it’s time for a toy party. Can anyone say free toys? People will come, it’s getting close to Christmas. And the new catalogue is so amazing.
That is a great TT and it is always wonderful to remember the things we are thankful for when are sometimes feeling down. I have done TT a few times (today was 14) and it makes me really look at my life and the wonderful things about it. Happy TT.
hahaha So Ikey’s chair has become the poopin chair too! My little guy does that too – watches me while he does it – I think he knows I’ll be snatching him out quickly because otherwise it oozes out the sides since he’s sitting on it. I spend more time scrubbing stains because of that chair. He’s probably laughing at me too because every time I put him in there he poops and now he thinks it’s pretty funny.