Strange Happenings

Ikey on a run with me. He is actually an amazing running buddy.

There have been stttrrrrannnggeee happenings in my house as of late.  What started of with me getting a bout of OCD when it came to cleanliness (which has now found some balance) has turned into a lot more.  Of course I’ve been exercising and eating well despite the fact that losing one pound takes a… Continue reading Strange Happenings

Making a Person

There have been many people that have witnessed me saying that there’s no way I would ever ever ever have a baby again.  There’s also been blogs about how I feel like I can’t because Silas took up so much of our lives and that I was scared we would make someone else with autism.… Continue reading Making a Person


I’ve been sitting here fiddling around with my blog.  Dusting off the old bloggy shelves so-to-speak.  I was giddy about the prospect of blogging later in the day when I realized I wont have time and I got to blog NOW!!  Woot. Since it has been ages, I thought I should give you a point… Continue reading Update

Just Call Me Domestic Goddess

I’m a little late blogging today because I didn’t let myself blog this afternoon until this: looked more like this: Laundry isn’t done but blame it on my slow arsed washing machine, not me.  It’s actually a fast washing machine…I just had a lot of laundry.  Shush. Note all my little notes on there?  I… Continue reading Just Call Me Domestic Goddess

And The Award Goes To….

MY HUSBAND!  For the best valentines day gift ever.   What is it you ask?  It’s the new Dirt Devil Kone hand vacuum cleaner.  How romantic hey?  I had to poke, I had to prod, I had to remind but I made my romance happen and my floors clean at the same time. This stemmed… Continue reading And The Award Goes To….


Last night Brent and I had our Valentines date.  We did it a day late just because I didn’t feel like dealing with busy restaurants.  It’s better this way.  Anyway, we went to this local place and had a really fantastic waitress, she was hilarious.  We got some stuff mushroom caps for a starter and… Continue reading GLOW BOLWING!

A Mother’s Love

I get this feeling every night as I sneak into my children’s room and tuck them in while they sleep.  I feel completely and totally vulnerable.  For some reason seeing my sleeping children remind me of how delicate they are, how easily they could slip from my fingers.  My hear suddenly fills with this feeling… Continue reading A Mother’s Love


K yesterday’s post was a floppy flop.  Go ask some questions!!  I might go on strike because no one loves me! What a morning I had.  I must admit, I was not a very good mommy this morning.  I get SO frustrated that I can’t even see straight.   It all started with Silas stomping on… Continue reading It’s an AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Kinda Day

A Bunch of Stuff

Wow, Silas’ birthday party is next week!!  I’m so excited.  It’s just going to be very small this year, just family pretty much.  I can’t handle a crowd, I just don’t wanna.  But feel free to still buy him pressies or send money…ha ha!! It’s been slightly exhausting trying to avoid wheat, oats, milk and… Continue reading A Bunch of Stuff

Thursday Thirteen #10

Thirteen Things about The Informal Matriarch  13 things I’m proud of My musical abilities, especially my singing voice. Teaching myself to sing harmony and then teaching myself to find the 3rd part on the fly.  I had to learn that quickly because of singing at the church I’m at, I figured it out and now… Continue reading Thursday Thirteen #10

The Results Are In And….

… the lactation consultant had no idea what to say other than I shouldn’t feed him longer than 30 minutes because it’ll just keep my milk supply up high and he wont be getting much after that anyway.  She was nice though and Ikey thought that she was funny.  This week I chart chart chart… Continue reading The Results Are In And….


Why does being a mother involve guilt? Is it the guilt that drives us or the love? There’s nothing worse than non parents pointing out your faults as a parent. I don’t feel horribly guilty. My kids are going to have a way less stressful childhood than mine so I know they’re ok. Hopefully they… Continue reading Guilt