Strange Happenings

Ikey on a run with me. He is actually an amazing running buddy.

There have been stttrrrrannnggeee happenings in my house as of late.  What started of with me getting a bout of OCD when it came to cleanliness (which has now found some balance) has turned into a lot more.  Of course I’ve been exercising and eating well despite the fact that losing one pound takes a… Continue reading Strange Happenings

Gifts of Imperfection – Journal One

I’m reading a new book called The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown.  After reading the introduction and the first chapter, I’m feeling better.  I’m feeling like I need to blog the findings I’ve had within myself.  If only to create discussion or to help someone else feel like they’re not alone.  I’ve never kept… Continue reading Gifts of Imperfection – Journal One

Brain Health

If you didn’t see yesterday’s post you probably should.  Because it’s a cute little song that Silas and Brent recorded together and it’ll make you smile.  It’s only a minute long. It’s been a whirlwind of a year for me so far.  Some really crappy things have happened, none that I’m willing to blog about…ya… Continue reading Brain Health

Bring Me Baileys!!

I’m having coffee today, it’s a coffee day. It’s actually a coffee and Baileys day but since I’m without Baileys, I guess I’m just drinking coffee. Silas is downstairs having a massive temper tantrum because he wants a bite of wrap. I have many bites I’ve pre-torn for him that are sitting right beside me.… Continue reading Bring Me Baileys!!


K yesterday’s post was a floppy flop.  Go ask some questions!!  I might go on strike because no one loves me! What a morning I had.  I must admit, I was not a very good mommy this morning.  I get SO frustrated that I can’t even see straight.   It all started with Silas stomping on… Continue reading It’s an AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Kinda Day

Leah The Nugget

I have this problem and I really don’t know how to make it better.  It’s a major major flaw that I have a hard time even wanting to change.  I never ever ever get out.  I seriously can be locked in my house for a week and hardly notice that I haven’t left.  Once I… Continue reading Leah The Nugget

Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like Making A Title.

Every time I sit down here I draw a blank about what I had been planning to write about so I just blab and blab and blab with no direction.  I wish I could remember because I’m not finding anything to blab about either.  Hmmmmmm. Ikey’s nursing wacky again (I just remembered what I was… Continue reading Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like Making A Title.


My sister Jennie was able to capture some wonderful videos of my psycho child Silas this Sunday. This first one is of Silas singing his good morning song which is the same tune as “Happy Birthday”. We had just sung Happy Birthday to my niece Ali so Silas decided to continue singing for her. This… Continue reading Videos!!

Scars and Scabs.

About 5 years ago I was on my way to getting super duper depressed.  This depression lasted quite a while, I was in agony, my skin was uncomfortable..literally.  I tried drugs but they made it worse.  I would sit in class in College and pinch myself to cover up the pain inside.  I failed almost… Continue reading Scars and Scabs.

Categorized as depression

Don’t Worry, I’m Happy!

Isaac is completely delicious today.  He was in his bouncy chair giggling to himself this morning.  He’s such an easy little muffin.  I just put him on his tummy for tummy time and he’s just laying there all relaxed.  He’s falling asleep.  K he was falling asleep.  He’s stirring now.  I really couldn’t have asked… Continue reading Don’t Worry, I’m Happy!