Time Flies

Mmmmm, my body is full of that wonderful warm feeling that I get when I smooch my Silas all over.  I was just laying in his crib with him trying to get him calm enough to nap for a while.  I love cuddling up with him.  It doesn’t sound like he’s going to nap though,… Continue reading Time Flies

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Bye Blubber

I was happy to hop onto my scale this morning and see that all the blubber I’ve acquired from xmas and being bad after is now gone. I’ve only been good for a few days but have lost about 5 pounds this week. Wowza. Back to 169. I guess I was at like 168 before… Continue reading Bye Blubber

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Weird Children.

Praise the Lord God Almighty!! It’s nap time!! This morning has been a bit wacky. Ikey woke up an hour early (again) and was trying to ruin Silas’ and my morning routine. He screamed through the whole breakfast and coffee making process. I about snapped. Then everything was fine for a while because he was… Continue reading Weird Children.

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I’m Not Lazy!

Is it Monday already? Goodness time flies on the weekends. We had a great weekend, spend lots of time with my sisters and that’s excellent! Brent got our microwave hood fan installed so it feels like i have this prairie-like expanse of available counter-space. It’s a beautiful sight! Today is day four on the light… Continue reading I’m Not Lazy!

Debt Rantings

You know that sick feeling that you get when you’re worried about money?  I have that in my stomach right now.  It’s awful.  I don’t understand why we all do it to ourselves.  Why do we live beyond our means.  Whenever Brent and I are dumb and doing that we’re not being smart and checking… Continue reading Debt Rantings

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Light Therapy!

I just tucked Isaac into bed, he cooed at me a little.  I stood there and just stared at his smiles for a moment and rubbed his head.  That boy is the sunshine in my day.  Silas is too when he’s not freaking out.  I find Isaac’s face to be really relaxing, almost theraputic.  His… Continue reading Light Therapy!

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Goodness I’m feeling better.  I was pretty down for the last month or so.  I was really stressed about Christmas and how everything was going to work with Silas’ peanut allergy.  Then I got the post holiday blues which isn’t helpful.  I have some theories about the post holiday blues.  I think part of it… Continue reading LAUNDRY!!!

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I’ve Got my Shoes on

I feel like I have a lot to talk about today, I’ll split it up into segments and you can read the parts you’re interesting in. But you have to read this first bit. I think I’ve found my salvation! My salvation Courtenay introduced me to a website called Flylady and I had no idea… Continue reading I’ve Got my Shoes on

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The Morning Cuddle

Every morning I go get Silas from his crib, bring him to my bed and have a cuddle. This morning I was thinking I should try and write out our conversation the best I can. I usually sing to try and keep him in there as long as possible so I can keep my eyes… Continue reading The Morning Cuddle

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I’m Lazy

I’m soooo tired these days.  I’m really realizing how much inactivity begets more inactivity.  If that made any sense at all.  I like my rump a lot.  I like using it a lot for sitting.  When it was skinnier I wasn’t on it so much.  Perhaps that’s how it works.  Your rump gets big when… Continue reading I’m Lazy

He Crawls!

I guess we can put that one last nail in the coffin of my sanity. It seems as though life as I know it is about to drastically change. Last night I put my mug of Rickards Red down on the floor and, much to my dismay, watched as Ikey stiffly crawled across the floor… Continue reading He Crawls!

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The Triple Nipple Club

So, my national television debut has happened. It was completely anti-climactic because it happened in a different country and I haven’t yet been able to see it. They do show my tidbit in an ad for the film so you can go watch it here. There, I’m officially famous…or something like that. I’m also mortified… Continue reading The Triple Nipple Club

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25 Wishes

I wish I wasn’t so tired. I wish I could stop thinking about organizing my house and just do it. I wish I wasn’t such a home body. I wish I had more energy. I wish I had an actual brain to mouth filter. I wish that people would love each other more than money.… Continue reading 25 Wishes

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New Years Blueberries

Well, 2008 has arrived.  We welcomed the new year with Colin and Leanne.  They put Lucas to bed in our playpen in our room and I think it worked out perfectly.  Although, I do not know how it went on their drive home and whatnot. We had really amazing…um…*place in weird word here*…horse dovers?  Lets… Continue reading New Years Blueberries

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