Good grief gravy. It’s been a long time. We’ve been so stinking busy. We decided to get our home on the market this summer and buy a bigger home. It took a LOT of work to get our house ready but we took care of so many details. It sold in a week! Now we… Continue reading We Sold Our House!
Author: The Informal Matriarch
You guys, I am so preoccupied with getting my house ready to move…and finding a house to move into! Brent and I moved to this place almost 10 years ago with a 20 month old Silas and a 2 month old Isaac. We didn’t mean to stay long, we had pipe dreams of flipping it… Continue reading Moving
You’re Wrong About Your Wrongness
I’ve been thinking lately, about humans and our humaness (humaness isn’t a word but WHATEVER). How we like to argue and about how we hate to admit we’re wrong. Isn’t it infuriating when someone is defending themselves to the death when they’re clearly wrong? Why do we do that? Why do we do it with… Continue reading You’re Wrong About Your Wrongness
The Loneliness of Miscarriage
It’s been four years since the miscarriage of our daughter Serenity. Her birthday, on March 21st, was especially hard this year. Violet came into our lives so soon after we lost Serenity, thankfully, and my awe and wonder of her was a little bandaid over the gaping wound in my heart. I thought I was… Continue reading The Loneliness of Miscarriage
There’s Value in Fat
Fat. How many of us have it on our minds today? How many of us are feeling ashamed by it? Well I’m here to tell you (and myself) that there’s value in fat. And we, every single inch of us, are valuable. I’m sitting here in the light of my SAD light, trying to… Continue reading There’s Value in Fat
Inspirational Memes Are Trying To Kill Us All
I need to talk about something and I don’t think I am alone here. If I am, this blog is going to look very peculiar to you…so my apologies. So, you know those inspirational memes people share around? You know, the ones with the calming backgrounds and the trendy fonts? They stress. me. the. hell.… Continue reading Inspirational Memes Are Trying To Kill Us All
Armpits, Niagara Falls, and the Calamity of my Teenage Years
[fb_button]Back in the day, when I used to blog daily, I would just start writing and stuff would come out of my brain and onto the screen and I would hit “publish” and that would be that. Now, after many years of getting REALLY good at being an over-thinker, I stare at the screen a… Continue reading Armpits, Niagara Falls, and the Calamity of my Teenage Years
I am Under No Obligation to Make Sense to You
“I am under no obligation to make sense to people.” Brooke Hampton.” A friend of mine posted this on Facebook today and it felt like I was finally given permission to blog…again. REASONS WHY I STOPPED BLOGGING: Kids and shit. I don’t feel right making my kids lives public anymore. It hit me one day… Continue reading I am Under No Obligation to Make Sense to You
The Birth Story of Violet Yvonne
Oh plans, how we make them and how things always turn out differently. I was hoping to write a beautiful home birth story. For her to have been born into my hands in a pool in my living room. Alas, that’s not how it happened but it doesn’t make her coming earth side any less… Continue reading The Birth Story of Violet Yvonne
Preggo Update
I feel like I am in the home stretch!! 30 weeks pregnant now and if she comes early like Isaac, then I only have about 9 weeks left. Let’s hope she is like her brother, I am kind of counting on it. Pregnancy brain is in full force. In face, since I’ve turned 30 weeks… Continue reading Preggo Update
It’s Been a Year
Exactly a year ago today we were told that our little girl’s heart had stopped beating. A whole year. I remember that day so clearly and how I had wished I could skip ahead to where time had gone by and I the pain wasn’t so sharp and painful. Where I felt like I could… Continue reading It’s Been a Year
There’s A Baby In My Belly
It’s almost been a year since we lost our little girl Serenity, time has flown by so fast. It’s hard to believe it’s been so long already. At that time all I wanted was another baby inside of me as fast as I could possibly get one. Of course it never works out the way… Continue reading There’s A Baby In My Belly
You Might Be A Jackass If…….
This is a public service announcement. Like always, I’m here to help. Sometimes I wonder if people who make jackass moves are just actually nice people who don’t know any better. Unfortunately, in passing, all we see is that one jackass move and that nice, kind, person is engrained in our minds as a jackass. … Continue reading You Might Be A Jackass If…….
Getting Stronger
Ever since I lost Serenity I’ve been on this health journey. I just knew I couldn’t go back to my old lifestyle with this much pain inside me. I would go insane. I began working out, walking, running, swimming…pretty much whatever I felt like. It really helped. The more pain I feel inside, the more… Continue reading Getting Stronger
Mother F*cking Homemaking: An Homage to JJ Keith
Whenever I look at Pinterest, it’s like I’m looking at this alien world. I had no idea there were people out there who spent so much time making their children’s sandwiches look like Disney characters (then I wonder how it looks when it gets to school….scrambled Disney characters?). Is that like…an every day thing? It’s… Continue reading Mother F*cking Homemaking: An Homage to JJ Keith