Silas climbs onto my lap as I’m sitting on the couch, gives me his sparkly eyed smile and begins to bounce, so hard that it’s beginning to hurt. I shift so his bony bum begins hitting the couch and not my poor thighs. His face is so happy so I try to not be annoyed… Continue reading Blessed.
Stress Freeee
Thanks for all the comments you’ve been giving me guys, they make me feel so great. I’ve been bad at responding to them but just so you all know, they mean SO much to me. Something miraculous is happening in my household, I’m so excited!! Brent’s new job has taken away this big big big… Continue reading Stress Freeee
100 Things About Me Part III
K this is going to be harder now….here’s part one and part two if you’re interested. 51. In Bible College I was dating this guy named Colin. We were hanging out when all of a sudden he pointed at Brent and said “Brent is the nicest and hottest guy in our school, the girl that… Continue reading 100 Things About Me Part III
All Bashed Up
Yesterday Isaac decided it would be fun to climb up on our toddler chair in the bathroom. I was sitting down to relieve myself and he fell face first into the cupboards. Instant goose egg and bruise on the fore head, bleeding gums, split chin. YIKES. Poor kiddo had to lay there for ice and… Continue reading All Bashed Up
Relaxing Weekend
What a relaxing weekend. We arrived at about 9pm the first day and were very very impressed at how our chalet looked. You’ll see photos below. It’s really beautiful there. The next morning we decided to have breakfast on the deck, I was blabbing on and on about something between mouthfuls of eggs, sausage and… Continue reading Relaxing Weekend
Happy Anniversary!
So I did just write a post that just said “blah” over and over. Then someone wished me a happy anniversary today so I was like OH YEAH. I’ve been married 4 whole years now! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BRENTLY!!! I seriously seriously seriously have the best husband in the world. And whenever I have another anniversary… Continue reading Happy Anniversary!
Today I’m Excited.
It’s funny, ever since Silas was born we kinda poked fun at him. He just seemed different and we came up with nicknames for him like “special boy”. Which I know can be offensive but..he was just different. Sometimes as he’d be sitting there spinning something I’d call him my little autistic boy. I had… Continue reading Today I’m Excited.
Here We Go Silas
First off, thanks everyone for all the support. It’s been shocking to see how loving everyone is being towards our family. SO many thoughts going through my mind today. Wondering what my future looks like. What things am I going to have to do that are completely out of my character?? I know for Silas… Continue reading Here We Go Silas
Dr. Appointment Today
Autism…autism?? The A word?? The doctor made me say it a couple of times to get used to it…she showed me where the tissues were and made sure I was going to have a good cry when I get home. Made sure I would be ok and that Brent will be ok. He pointed out… Continue reading Dr. Appointment Today
New Job!
K well I’m a hoser and I didn’t tell you anything past us wanting Brent to get the job. You can stop praying, fasting, whatever…he got it! He actually started a week ago. I can already notice how relaxed he’s getting since not having so much stress!! Tomorrow he starts his first two courses they’ve… Continue reading New Job!
New Books!!
So I got my first book that I ordered. I went on a slight Amazon spree…who can say no to Amazon though? You get books for so cheap!! I ordered Raising Your Spirited Child, The Out Of Sync Child, The Out of Sync Child Has Fun, the workbook to go along with Spirited Child (I… Continue reading New Books!!
100 Things About Me Part II
As a continuation of part 1, here are the next 25 of 100 Things About Me!! 26. I went to Germany and toured around with a choir. We would do impromptu singing in these magnificent cathedrals and people would gather and cry. It was amazing. Out of our random singing episodes we were asked to… Continue reading 100 Things About Me Part II
God Gave us Clues
K this isn’t my own writing but I thought I’d share this with you today. It’s so neato, just about different foods and whatnot, it’s kind of shocking actually. I got it from here. Have a read… “A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the… Continue reading God Gave us Clues
50% Off Day!!
Oh my, this day doesn’t come often but when it does, you need to get there early with your boxing gloves on. Yes folks, 50% off day at Value Village. A day at the place where 2nd hand stuff is usually WAY too expensive where you can buy 2nd hand items for hardly anything. A… Continue reading 50% Off Day!!
A Feast
Look at this, blogging on a stat holiday. That’s dedication folks…that’s dedication. So yesterday was Colin’s (Leanne’s husband) birthday so I decided to go all culinary genius on everyone and blow every ones minds with a fabulous concoction made up by yours truly. Well I was hoping to do so. The menu? It was some… Continue reading A Feast