I’m going through this phase in my life where I’m getting really sick of our American culture. It’s so much about consuming. Consuming food, consuming “must have” clothes and products, self medicating through consuming. Buy buy buy and then buy some more because what you first bought isn’t good enough anymore. I especially have trouble… Continue reading A Vent and A Challenge
The Poo Disaster
On Sunday I was on my way out the door. I was leaving Brent with the kidlets as they napped. Isaac was having a very hard time falling asleep. As I opened the front door I heard Brent open Isaac’s door and say “OH ISAAC”. I thought Ikey just looked sad or something because he… Continue reading The Poo Disaster
A New Family Member!
So recently Brent and I have been pondering getting a pet. I’ve been searching through pet finder and looking at craigslist for just the perfect one. We didn’t want to commit to something that would require too much of our time but we definitely wanted something soft and cuddly. Both of us love so many… Continue reading A New Family Member!
Oh What a Wonderful Morning.
This morning I called Leanne and she said “Lucas has been talking about Silas all morning” and then I said “Silas has been talking about Lucas all morning” so I was brave enough to skip Ikey’s morning nap and we went over for a wonderful playtime. They do so well over there and they play… Continue reading Oh What a Wonderful Morning.
The Many Faces of Isaac
nuff said.
One tends to wonder why ones child is acting like a psycho child. Is it an ear infection? Is he getting enough attention? Is he getting enough exercise? Is he over/under stimulated? All these questions I’ve asked myself these past few days. My “aha” moment came to me as I was brushing his teeth last… Continue reading Oh THAT’S Why
Dear Mommy
Mommy, You were not meeting my needs this morning. I was sitting in my booster seat this morning, waiting for my Cheerios and you were still in bed. Then you took your precious time to brush your teeth and to nurse Isaac. I was already annoyed when you came down. THEN you had to wipe… Continue reading Dear Mommy
If You Will….
…please allow me to feel completely uninspired today and hand you nothing, that would be great. Thanks.
I feel poopy oh so poopy I feel poopy and goopy and saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I never knew certain times of the month could have nausea as a symptom. I’m feeling incredibly poopy. The good side is I’ve hit an all time low weight since having Ikey. Perhaps feeling like crap for a whole week a month… Continue reading ugh
So I made you some videos of our Easter. I screwed up both of them. But it was late so just try to enjoy them anyway. The title of the first one shouldn’t be there and there’s something funny at the beginning of the second one…the second one might be boring anyway. ANYWAY, here’s some… Continue reading Easter
I have cute kids. That’s all. sorry it’s bad quality…I didn’t feel like waiting for a massive upload.
Stupid Peanut Residue on Stupid Playgrounds
Silas was out on the playground in our complex the other day. Juliet noticed a hive on his chin so I let him have a shower to wash off any residue (he often gets hives from things). After the shower I noticed some red bumps on his neck but thought he still looked OK. Hours… Continue reading Stupid Peanut Residue on Stupid Playgrounds
Auditory Genius?
My darling son Silas is showing some interesting hearing skills. He picks out noises that certain things make and he can copy them really well. Like Brent’s nail gun…he can do a great impression. Aside from that, though, I’ve realized that I need to do certain things quietly or else Silas will come and destroy… Continue reading Auditory Genius?
I have nothing to say to you people. I thought I’d say that I have nothing to say so I don’t get emails telling me I need to go say something on my blog. So there you go.
Spring Cleaning
I must confess, I’m a disaster when it comes to keeping my house organized, especially getting it initially organized. I still haven’t completely unpacked from our move in August. I get overwhelmed, distracted and downright stressed out at the thought of getting everything organized and together. I petitioned my linear logical thinking sister, who’s whole… Continue reading Spring Cleaning