Singer Silas Sings Again!

Yesterday Silas and I had some fun with the webcam and I wanted to show off his talents.  Before I put the things on my blog, I’ll link to each video in case they don’t load for your computer. Bed of Roses – this one is long but worth it, he sings the whole song,… Continue reading Singer Silas Sings Again!

17 Months Old

I’m feeling much better today. I hate days like yesterday, they really suck. Silas is 17 months old this week. Time has really flown by since he turned One. His vocabulary continues to grow each day but I don’t think it’s grown as much as it did last month. His incredible memory when it comes… Continue reading 17 Months Old

16 Months Old

I just realized that Silas is now 16 months old.  Oh to have a birthday every month, I guess we’ve all been through it though.  I can’t believe the changes that happen from month to month.  This past month his vocabulary has really taken off.  He’s learned up, down, shower, water, food, hungry, nose, eyes,… Continue reading 16 Months Old

What I Love About You

My darling Silas, I’ve known you for almost 16 months and I must say, you’ve impacted my life in a way no one else has. You turned my world upside-down and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’ve shown me that I’m not as selfish as I thought I was and that I can… Continue reading What I Love About You

Snotty noses and the boobie song

Lately my son has been pulling out my shirt and peering in to see what’s going on in there. I always tell him “those are boobies” and he quietly says beeboo and then smacks them or something like that. Anyway, he’s been singing this song lately and I haven’t thought anything of it. He just… Continue reading Snotty noses and the boobie song