Us in Motion

I’ve been meaning to try this one survey on my kids, I know they wouldn’t answer the questions but I thought it would be funny.  Anyway, I attempted it and it didn’t work out so well. I thought I’d show you guys the video of us anyway just because it’s kinda funny.  I’m trying to… Continue reading Us in Motion

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Autistic Poops….seriously.

Something interesting has caught my attention.  Both of my boys came down with a fever and the run last week.  The runs have continued into this week.  Oh boy oh boy am I ever tired of the runs.  Nothing like waking up to poo all over the place…and placing half awake autistic boy into a… Continue reading Autistic Poops….seriously.

I’m on Twitter!!

For those of you who haven’t noticed the twitter widget over there –> then please, note it and add me to your twitter.  Also, making it SUPER easy for you, I’ll just let you click here and you can find me and add me and be merry and happy.  I’ll follow you too!! The purpose… Continue reading I’m on Twitter!!

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Autism is weird.  Is autism who Silas is or is autism something that has caged him?  Who is Silas without autism?  Is Silas autistic or is he ridden with a disease called autism?  I dunno which way to look at it. The other morning my sparkly darling of a son was being his adorable self. … Continue reading Silas?

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Gymnastics and Heating Pads.

Thanks for the wonderful morning Grandma and Grandpa.  I’ve decided to use some of the money they’ve donated to Silas for some drop in gymnastics time.  It’s fairly inexpensive and SOOOO good for the kids motor skills and for Silas to build up those core muscles. Kids with autism have been known to have poor… Continue reading Gymnastics and Heating Pads.

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Healthy Cookies!!?

Ages ago I heard this whisper of a roomer of these supposed amazing banana cookies somewhere on  The recipe apparently consisted of just banana, oats, oil and vanilla.  It sounded too good to be true, a waste of time…banana things are yicky.  I put the thought aside and carried on with life without these… Continue reading Healthy Cookies!!?

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An Angel?

Sometimes I wonder if little Isaac came from an extra special place with an extra special mission for our family.  I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I get pretty crazy 🙂 Ikey wasn’t planned.  Too much info or not, he’s a product of the very first time my husband and I were negligent about… Continue reading An Angel?

I don’t feeeel like it!

So the past two days I felt like I COULDNT blog until I got an amazing photo montoge but it’s lame and I’m lame and because I haven’t gotten it ready I don’t feel like blogging. So there!

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The Autism Divide

There seems to be this crazy division between autism parents.  Two extremes.  There’s one side that’s the Jenny McCarthy following that’s all about curing autism and then there’s the opposite side with parents who think she’s full of BS. I dunno what to think.  I’m going to try EVERYTHING I can, but I’m not putting… Continue reading The Autism Divide

Orange Peels and ABA Therapy

Last night at supper time Isaac asked me to blow his nose, then cried when I did.  So I did the obvious thing and look up there to see what he’s shoved inside this time.  He always does this.  I plugged the opposite nostril and had him blow but it didn’t come out this time… Continue reading Orange Peels and ABA Therapy

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The Savior Has Come!!

K not Jesus but it feels like it.  Our assessments have been set up for Silas!!  That means once they are done the lady will write up a report and program and submit it to the gov who’ll then release his funds and he’ll begin his daily ABA therapy!! ITS HERE!!!! It feels like people… Continue reading The Savior Has Come!!

YAY Gardening!!

I’ve been kinda dreading the gardening that must ensue this summer.  I wasn’t sure if I was up for it but today I got out and tidied up my yard, dealt with my neglected compost…not that I haven’t been composting!! Silas played with all the worms I found and Isaac poured sand all over the… Continue reading YAY Gardening!!

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