I am

I found this on dreamingBIGdreams (located in my blogroll) and I thought it looked fun so here ya go.  Don’t worry, I’m not tagging anyone 🙂 i am: a mommy i think: too much i know: that I’m blessed i want: Silas’ peanut allergy to go away i have: more than enough i wish: that… Continue reading I am

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I Believe in Green Tea

I heard on some show, a while back, that if you replace your coffee with green tea then you will lose 10 pounds in 1 month.  I’ve been trying to get myself to replace coffee with green tea for a while because the coffee really doesn’t make my tummy feel good, plus all the cream… Continue reading I Believe in Green Tea

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Confessions of a Flora Lover

I’m sore, I’m blistered, I’m scratched, I’m skinned, I’m sure I have a bruise somewhere also.  All in the name of a pretty back yard.  I worked my little tooshie off on Saturday and dug up all of the sod from my back yard.  Brent hauled it all away and we laid down some sod… Continue reading Confessions of a Flora Lover

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Must Blog…

I’ve been sitting here for quite some time now trying to figure out what to write about today.  I’m drawing a big old blank when it comes to anything remotely interesting.  I MUST blog though.  MUST! Mommy and Mark are coming tonight to spend the night.  I’m going to have a delicious rib supper waiting… Continue reading Must Blog…

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Thursday Thirteen!!

Like the Idol theme??  I thought I would bring this back today because I have no idea what else to blog about. Thirteen Things I Wonder About Why do men feel extra special when they have hiiiigh trucks or looooow cars? Why do name brands make you cooler than me? Who chose green for go… Continue reading Thursday Thirteen!!

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My Trip to the Shrink…she’s really not a shrink…I don’t think….

So, my counseling appointment went smashingly.  Gosh I remember why I love that woman so much, she’s so warm and nice.  It was good to hear someone say “of course you’re depressed, no WONDER you’re depressed”.  There was mention of drugs but I wont even consider when I’m nursing and I don’t think I’d consider… Continue reading My Trip to the Shrink…she’s really not a shrink…I don’t think….

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Going to Counseling

So, I’ve done it.  I’ve bit the bullet and I have a counseling appointment this evening with my counselor from 3 years ago.  I really like her :). Before I got pregnant with Isaac I never thought I would be dealing with depression ever again.  I was doing SO well.  I was even really skinny. … Continue reading Going to Counseling

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What a Weekend!

Oh glorious weekend?  Where have you gone? Saturday was amazingly sunny.  I got burned on exactly one side of my body.  Hot hey?  Brent went bright and early to pick up a used Little Tykes climber and slide from craigslist.  Once he got it home and unpacked we went to the park for some amazing… Continue reading What a Weekend!

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Date Night!

Brent and I happen to have the best realtor ever.  He always sends us goodies and last month we won client of the month for referring someone to him.  So we got a $100 gift certificate for Olive Garden in Langley.  We went last night and it was wonderful and delicious.  I couldn’t resist getting… Continue reading Date Night!

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Books and Lysol and Progress

I’ve been reading a very fascinating series right now.  The first book is called Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and I am now on the second book called Dragonfly in Amber.  I’m really enjoying this series even though the books are like 5 000 000 pages long. Anyway, I read this part last night that described… Continue reading Books and Lysol and Progress

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Ikey Motorbikey

Can you believe that Isaac is 10 months old already?  He’s like, 10 and a half months actually.  That’s pretty dumb I think.  I’m going to miss having a baby around.  Hopefully we’ll be able to adopt a young one one day. Isaac has been doing some very silly things lately.  He really enjoys it… Continue reading Ikey Motorbikey

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Oh…This and That.

I’m finding myself feeling more and more like I have absolutely nothing to say some days.  C’mon creative Leah brain, do your job! Silas has taken to his new bed rather nicely.  He was getting up yesterday and bringing toys into his bed when he should have been napping but he eventually settled down to… Continue reading Oh…This and That.

Big Boy Bed!!

Nothing out of the ordinary happened last night. Silas went to bed easily and slept through the night. He woke up in the morning to throw everything in his bed onto the floor and proceeded to stand there and squack until I came to grab him. The only difference was he was slept in THIS!!… Continue reading Big Boy Bed!!