Taking Matters Into my Own Hands

Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands. My husband has this problem, his fingers cannot feel a hard mass in muscle tissue therefore he can’t really help me work out my knots in my back. I’m sure there’s a name for this condition of his. Anyway, my back REALLY hurts from… Continue reading Taking Matters Into my Own Hands

WD40 Rocks My World

I’m not in a big computer mood today, even though I still find myself sitting here.  I don’t think I’ll write much.   Silas is down for his nappy-poo.  He just spent a good 5 minutes rolling around on the floor kicking and screaming for reasons only he and God knows.  He’s been really happy otherwise. … Continue reading WD40 Rocks My World

I Love Peeing My Pants?

We had the strangest weather yesterday.  When I woke up, we were having freezing rain.  I watched as that stopped and then a while later it started to rain and then it started to pour and then suddenly everything was white with hail, then it stopped.  The sun shone for a while, it got cloudy,… Continue reading I Love Peeing My Pants?

Hug a Chiropractor

I love my chiropractor!  Not in a romantical way of course, just in a “you fixed my body and I love you” way.  It’s taken two visits and I’m almost completely fixed of my sciatic and back problems.  I still have some hip pain but that’s just my arthritis dealing with my joints being loose… Continue reading Hug a Chiropractor

A Good Mood Day

Silas has been in SUCH a good mood so far today.  I don’t know what to do with it.  I keep thinking I’m going to jinx it somehow!  There wasn’t any fussing or hanging or whining or smashing of faces on the floor.  It’s been a lovely morning, perhaps it’s because the sun is actually… Continue reading A Good Mood Day