When I got pregnant with Silas, it was a total surprise. We were attempting to NOT get pregnant using natural family planning, apparently you can get pregnant if you ovulate 6 days after intercourse…who knew? The first 7 months was barfing Hell. I took Diclectin which is a wonder pill but I couldn’t afford to… Continue reading Silas’ Birth Story
Category: Uncategorized
No Cigar :(
welp, nice try no cigar. We didn’t get the place. There was an offer on it by the time we offered and so we thought we’d offer kinda high but the people came back and offered 1 thou above the asking price. Oh well. They obviously wanted it much more than we did. I don’t… Continue reading No Cigar 🙁
Crossing Fingers
So, we found a place we like and this afternoon we’re going to put an offer on it. It’s lovely and in a older complex but it’s lovely. Also, it’s empty so we can move in ASAP! The back yard is amazing and there’s this nice little private deck that comes off our master bedroom. … Continue reading Crossing Fingers
Divine Intervention Please!
I know I’ve mentioned how much I love my chiropractor but I need to say it again, I LOVE MY CHIROPRACTOR! After being adjusted I get this wonderful endorphin rush. It’s simply wonderful. I can see why though, you just feel good once you’re aligned. When I was waiting in his office I had so… Continue reading Divine Intervention Please!
Spoiled Rotten
Man, I’ve been reprimanded by a few people for missing a day of blogging. You people are spoiled by my consistency. Yesterday Brent and I got out and looked at different townhouse complexes. Some of the places we’ll be looking at are rather frightful. After that I went right to Jennie’s house to work on… Continue reading Spoiled Rotten
Oh Glorious Sleep!
Well, my spirits are much higher today, it’s funny how much more you can love your child on a proper night’s sleep. Silas slept until 8 without waking much in the night and I also didn’t wake up much in the night to pee!! WOOOT. I feel like a million bucks. Well, a lot better… Continue reading Oh Glorious Sleep!
The Night Is Finally Over!
I can’t believe last night actually ended and it’s morning now. There was a time where I thought I would be stuck in it forever. Brent and I were both a little wired when we got to bed. Perhaps it was a mixture of the Jello I had made and the whole buying a house… Continue reading The Night Is Finally Over!
Attitude Adjustment
I need an attitude adjustment. I know it’s normal for me to not be too terrible excited about this new person I’m about to bring into the world but I feel like I’m letting myself indulge it too much, letting myself entertain negative thoughts about it. Really I’m mainly excited about pumping his legs to… Continue reading Attitude Adjustment
Baby Has Dropped
I’m not too sure what I should do today. I’m incredibly tired! Right now Silas is sitting under his high chair playing with a back massage thingy that he’s taken to be a toy for months now. Laundry needs to be done, the bathrooms need to be done, I need a shower, the vacuum needs… Continue reading Baby Has Dropped
Braxton is a Jerk!
What a nice sunny day. Good thing Silas has white trash garbage bags all over his window because he slept till 7 this morning. Man it makes such a difference!! We’re rather chipper this morning. Right now Silas is on the deck yelling back and forth with the 19 month old who’s on the deck… Continue reading Braxton is a Jerk!
35 Weeks Pregnant!
So today I am 35 weeks pregnant, I can’t believe I am here already. The final stretch has arrived. I’m thinking 5 weeks is not when the baby is coming, I’m thinking a couple of weeks now. My braxton hicks have gotten very weird and I’m feeling a lot of pressure in my bum when… Continue reading 35 Weeks Pregnant!
On the Right Track
So yesterday we got a mortgage approved and this morning I emailed the realtor that we want to use. I was looking on mls.ca and noticed that we can afford a townhouse rather than a condo so I am SUPER excited. Some of the ones in our price range are 1500 square feet with three… Continue reading On the Right Track
How do you teach a toddler to sleep in more? He’s driving me nuts! Any suggestions? We got our two month notice yesterday…AHHHH. that’s all I have for you.
Well, it looks like we’re going to have to move soon. They’re turning our apartments into condos so we have to leave. I’m sad because I love this place, it’s very bright and open and it has a interesting layout as well. Plus I love my walk in closet and en suite. I guess this… Continue reading Moving?
Missing the Perk.
I need a pillow to scream into, or perhaps a punching bag. It’s 7am and my son has been happily up and about now for about 45 minutes. Whatever happened to crib play time? Where did it go? Why does my child suddenly need me at obscene hours of the morning? He even woke up… Continue reading Missing the Perk.