Healthy Cleaning

Sometime after getting pregnant with Silas someone somewhere started changing my mind about keeping things clean. I got a bit educated on what those cleaners are actually doing to our bodies and even worse, what happens to us when we live in such a bacteria-free environment. I think it started because I’m so sensitive to… Continue reading Healthy Cleaning

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Medic Alert

We got Silas’ Medic Alert bracelet yesterday. What an odd thing to see on my own little darling’s hand but I think it’s necessary. I wasn’t going to get one just yet but the parents on the allergy board made a very good point. I thought I was with Silas all the time so he… Continue reading Medic Alert


com·men /ˈkɒmɛnt/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[kom-ent] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. a remark, observation, or criticism: a comment about the weather. 2. gossip; talk: His frequent absences gave rise to comment. 3. a criticism or interpretation, often by implication or suggestion: The play is a comment on modern society. 4.… Continue reading Comment

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I’m sick, Silas is sick…fevers fevers fevers.  Whining…complaining.  I only cried a little I promise.  Silas’ fever got up to 104 yesterday and mine reached 102…that’s with drugs in us…lots of drugs.  Lucas has it too. It’s one of those fevers that make you freezing cold and then so hot that you sweat buckets until… Continue reading Sick

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Happy Birthday Ikey

My Isaac, a year ago you were doing this: Yes, thats you springing forth from my loins, minus the loins (no one wants to see that). You sprung so fast that poor Dr. Scaman never had a chance to change into his scrubs. You were coming and you were coming NOW!! After that moment I… Continue reading Happy Birthday Ikey

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Bring Me Baileys!!

I’m having coffee today, it’s a coffee day. It’s actually a coffee and Baileys day but since I’m without Baileys, I guess I’m just drinking coffee. Silas is downstairs having a massive temper tantrum because he wants a bite of wrap. I have many bites I’ve pre-torn for him that are sitting right beside me.… Continue reading Bring Me Baileys!!

Bags For Zaza

Before we begin, I need to introduce you to three people. First off we have Joyce, she’s in my blogroll under Chronicles of Blunderview. She’s my MIL’s cousin and I’ve had the wonderful opportunity of meeting her and she’s LOVELY! Anyway, read her blog, it’s hilarious and thought provoking. Joyce also has a fundraiser that… Continue reading Bags For Zaza

The Garden Was Done…

Well I was excited today, I had a great blog in mind. Then as I was making my eggs and tea I looked out my window and the big ugly spruce in my back yard came crashing down, and so did my mood. You see, I’ve been asking over and over since April 12 if… Continue reading The Garden Was Done…

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Weaning Ikey

So I just had this bright idea to make a video blog but then I felt dumb and I didn’t do it.  It made me giggle and feel funny.  I thought it might be a more personal touch to my blog.  Maybe I’ll try again.  Doing that might require a little more preparation. So I’m… Continue reading Weaning Ikey

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No Campbells For This Woman

How come it’s so hard to find a cook book that’s both cheap and healthy recipes?  Most of them call for a can of this and a can of that and some packaged what-ever-else.  The best one I’ve found is Crazy Plates and they usually don’t use packaged things so I’ve ordered their next one… Continue reading No Campbells For This Woman

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All Over the Place

Silas is an angry mad man this morning.  He was also an angry mad man yesterday morning as well.  He hardly ate yesterday and today he’s eating more but he’s still an angry little booger head.  Isaac and I have both been beat on and kicked.  I hate it when he gets like this.  I’m… Continue reading All Over the Place

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Great Trip

Well, we are back to the grind after a lovely May Long Weekend at my parent’s house.  Gosh, it’s so stinking beautiful out there.  So quiet and the air smells so nice.  It still feels like home to me. My parents were AMAZING in making their house 100% peanut free for us.  They just took… Continue reading Great Trip


There, it’s done, I’m branded with delicious filigree. I was a big old bag of nerves all day yesterday. The first line he did actually didn’t hurt one bit. But then other places were agony, especially closer to my spine. I don’t think I could be one of those people to get a massive tattoo… Continue reading Inked

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D Day

Ugh, my heart is pounding.  I had just sat down to write when I heard a knock on the door.  There was some Jehovah’s Witnesses there, Lord bless them for their dedication to their religion, but I’m quite happy with my own beliefs.  I just get all flustered because now I have to stop them… Continue reading D Day

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