Isaac (Ikey, puppy, bear, buffalo, Ikey Okie Oh, Ikey Bikey Boo, Ike-aroni, zazazoozoo, chim chim) has decided his little feet are made for walkin and is using them for that quite often now. The little munchkin. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS ANYWAY!??? Sorry. He’s just so cute and naughty. He does this little side… Continue reading Ikey Bikey Boo
Silas Max
Silas is a darling little boy. Sometimes I find his interests to be rather unorthodox for a two and a half year old chap but that’s what I love about him. He doesn’t model himself much as other people but he just does what he wants to do. He’s just Silas. Silas knows our laundry… Continue reading Silas Max
My Weekend
Happy belated Mother’s Day all!! I hope that you all had a nice day. My day went fairly well. I think my favorite part was setting up my new compost bin. The city I live in puts on an event every year where you take a work shop on composting and then you can buy… Continue reading My Weekend
I feel a cold coming on. THANKS IKEY!! Poopy baby gave me a cold. So Wednesday morning I woke up and stepped out on my deck that’s attached to my bedroom to admire my planters on my fence and one was GONE!!! I was ticked beyond belief and I ran downstairs and out my gate… Continue reading TGIF
Colors in Music
Do any of you see colors when someone sings a song? Do songs have certain colors? This morning Silas told me the colors of all the songs we sing. He started off by telling me that All My Lovin by the Beatles was an array of colors. Then I asked him about Twinkle Twinkle and… Continue reading Colors in Music
I should…
My counselor learned that I’m a blogger so I have an assignment from her today. She actually wants to hear all of your input to. So comment please…perhaps today is a good day to quit lurking 🙂 I’ll love you still if you don’t. K here’s the thing. I live my day to day thinking… Continue reading I should…
Ikey Ikey Ikey…and some gardening stuff :)
We’re on the countdown until Isaac gets to one year. I can’t believe we’re so close!! He’s changing very quickly now. He’s just cut 3 teeth, all in the wrong order just like Silas. Not AS wonky…but close. I swear that comes from his Dad’s side because Lucas did the same thing. But poor baby,… Continue reading Ikey Ikey Ikey…and some gardening stuff 🙂
Yesterday was one of those days that make you wish every day was like that. By the ghastly smell of my garlic breath, that I can even smell myself, you’d know I had a good time. Oh dear…I smell poop…I’ll get back to you in a moment…. …..k that was foul. Anyway, in the morning… Continue reading Yesterday
Baby Silas
I’ve recently been looking through old photographs. I realized that none of you have seen Silas as a baby because I started this when he was 14 months. So I thought I’ve give you some visual stimulation to tantalize your taste buds 🙂 The most delicious kind of photo Friday. Meet baby Silas. we used… Continue reading Baby Silas
Pulling Out My Hair
Today is one of those pull-you-hair-out sort of days. It began with both children waking at 7am, bright eyed a bushy tailed. Silas was screaming in his room while I tried to nurse Ikey in hopes that he’d go back to sleep. He didn’t he just pooped. Silas threw a tantrum because he wasn’t getting… Continue reading Pulling Out My Hair
Baby Steps
Oh dear, something new has begun and I’m not too sure what to think about it. My precious little pudding has grown up and started to take some steps. The first one happened on Monday where he stepped towards me. I didn’t see it though. Then last night the little snickerdoodle started taking more. He… Continue reading Baby Steps
New Tattoo?
So what do you think? I’ve looked through LOADS of photos of filigree and I’ve finally come to love this one. I’m getting a tattoo with my birthday moolah. I want this on my right shoulder blade. The top curl will land on the top of my shoulder. I think it’s beautiful. I’ll just get… Continue reading New Tattoo?
Birthday Weekend.
Wow, what a weekend. I sure had a blast! Saturday morning we went to a kids swap. We kinda got some acronyms mixed up and so we were at the wrong place. I was in tricycle hunting mode and as we finally got there and walked in all these people were leaving with tricycles. None… Continue reading Birthday Weekend.
Birthday Weeeek!
It truly is amazing what a good nights sleep does for a person. Our TV has been doing this high pitched thing lately so I wasn’t able to watch Lost so Brent and I actually cleaned the kitchen before bed and then went to bed ourselves. I can’t believe how much better I feel today,… Continue reading Birthday Weeeek!
Tired Poo explosions today Visiting with friends Crazy children Still tired Feeling a cold coming on In laws coming tomorrow SOOOOO tired goodbye