Taking Matters Into my Own Hands

Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands. My husband has this problem, his fingers cannot feel a hard mass in muscle tissue therefore he can’t really help me work out my knots in my back. I’m sure there’s a name for this condition of his. Anyway, my back REALLY hurts from… Continue reading Taking Matters Into my Own Hands

How To Discipline a 15 Month Old

When you discipline a 15 month old you must ______________. Please fill in the blank. Sometimes I really feel like I have no idea what I am doing. How do you ignore tantrums yet still be tender to a child who doesn’t know how to express his feeling? How do you not go crazy saying… Continue reading How To Discipline a 15 Month Old

Hug a Chiropractor

I love my chiropractor!  Not in a romantical way of course, just in a “you fixed my body and I love you” way.  It’s taken two visits and I’m almost completely fixed of my sciatic and back problems.  I still have some hip pain but that’s just my arthritis dealing with my joints being loose… Continue reading Hug a Chiropractor

General Unwellness

Ugh, whatever my husband had last week has now graced my presence. I woke up this morning with a lovely sore throat and just an overall sense of unwellness. I hadn’t been feeling normal all weekend and now I guess I know why. GRRRR. For someone who never gets out in public often I do… Continue reading General Unwellness

Snotty noses and the boobie song

Lately my son has been pulling out my shirt and peering in to see what’s going on in there. I always tell him “those are boobies” and he quietly says beeboo and then smacks them or something like that. Anyway, he’s been singing this song lately and I haven’t thought anything of it. He just… Continue reading Snotty noses and the boobie song