You know when you watch a movie and it’s was so good and emotional that it has stuck with you through the next day? I have one of those right now. Last night I watched August Rush and I must say it was one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen. You must go… Continue reading Movie Hangover
Lazy Morning
Goodness what a lazy morning we’ve had thus far. We all slept in and once Silas woke up he had a small cuddle and we went off playing and doing his thing. I stuck a load of laundry in for him to keep him entertained…so weird. He brought me a box of crackers and I’d… Continue reading Lazy Morning
Winning Feels Gooooood
Congrats to my sister Jennie and her family!! She and her husband have had the same foster family in their home for 7(ish) years now. They’ve really been wanting to adopt the kids but didn’t want to if their birth parents still had access to the kids. The birth parents upset them quite a bit.… Continue reading Winning Feels Gooooood
Weight Loss (or gain) Wednesday
I know I was going to keep you all up to date on my weight loss progress but there really hasn’t been any. I’ve most likely lost about 30 pounds or something but it’s just me going between like 168 and 173. Dang. It really makes me mad because I’m a healthier eater than most… Continue reading Weight Loss (or gain) Wednesday
At My Wits End!
Today is a day where I just want to say ARRRRGGGG!! I am so frustrated with how vicious Silas is with Isaac. He pushes, pulls, slaps and scratches and, as of late, it seems to be going on constantly. If I turn my back to do something, quite often I hear a slap. I can’t… Continue reading At My Wits End!
Just Some Pictures
I’m lacking inspiration this morning so I think this will mainly be photos. My mommy came this weekend for a little visit. It was nice to hang out and see my kids slobber all over her….and have my dishes done. We took the kids to the park and then later that night we, along with… Continue reading Just Some Pictures
I have a booger in my nose! Some self portraits see we really do love each other now you all know what my tongue looks like tickle tickle hop on pop notice the snot rag in his hand…just in case the flash is so bright blowing bubbles These bubble ones are for you Mark! happy… Continue reading PHOTO PHRIDAY
Your Questions Answered Part 2
Seeing that my past few days have consisted of snorking green boogers out of screaming children’s faces, dealing with some crazy poops, having snot handed to be by Silas as he says “thank you” and trying not to wallow in my OWN cold too much I’ve decided that this is a good time to answer… Continue reading Your Questions Answered Part 2
As I write this, Silas is playing the cutest game. He has his “Tebby” bear and is going through his own night time routine. He gives it a little cuddle, a kiss and a hug and says “WHUUUHHH” like he’s being squished. Then he places Tebby gently in my bed and closes the door verrrry… Continue reading Pretending
Reasons for the Madness
I think I’ve discovered the cause of my icky feelings lately. I was in Shoppers Drug Mart last night (one of my most favorite stores) to pick up some rubby stuff for Silas’ chest. He was having loads of trouble breathing through his nose last night. I found some nice all natural stuff and then… Continue reading Reasons for the Madness
Busy Weekend!
I get the weirdest sicknesses happening to me. The dizziness has turned into full body aches and just a general sense of un-wellness. Now my boys are sick. Silas was burning up all night despite giving him both Tylenol and Motrin. Ikey was up a lot and Brent and I are very tired this morning.… Continue reading Busy Weekend!
Park Fun
Leanne came over yesterday and we walked our delicious children to the park to have some play time. It was an excellent opportunity to snap some photos of the cutest littles ones EVER. So here it goes. I also have them set up on my woomp so you can check all of them out. Here’s… Continue reading Park Fun
One of My Passions
Some of you might not know this about me but even though I’m a professional (that word is to be taken rather loosely) home-maker, I’m actually a hairdresser by trade. I knew I was going to do hair all the way back in high school when Courtenay, Sean and I all had the same haircut… Continue reading One of My Passions
Swimmen in Da Pool
Silas the great was “swimmen in da pool” the other day at the Hotel. Brent’s parents were here and we always love to take advantage of a quiet pool and the extra hands available and get the boys in the water. They sure love it. A few weeks ago Silas was really tentative about swimming… Continue reading Swimmen in Da Pool
Little Bratty Sabotagers
When a person becomes a mother they tend to try to hold onto themselves in certain (small) ways. I think kids pick up on this and then try to sabotage your efforts to maintain full focus on themselves. Let’s share a few examples shall we? I usually buy those cheap facial brushes to wash my… Continue reading Little Bratty Sabotagers