How to Potty Train Your Toddler

It seems like one of the most frustrating parts of parenting a toddler is potty training them.  I hear many facebook status updates from my friends who are growling about it. Potty training is tough but can be quickly achieved through these five simple principles: I have no clue. don’t ask me. I’m completely void… Continue reading How to Potty Train Your Toddler

Two Until Two

I’ve been dreading Friday for months.  My little baby is turning TWO.  UGH.  As if I’m ready for him to be two yet.  Gimme a break.  He’s still a baby…he’s MY BABY!!  I’ve been telling him for two years to stay a baby and he’s just not listening.  I dunno what to do with that… Continue reading Two Until Two

Autistic Poops….seriously.

Something interesting has caught my attention.  Both of my boys came down with a fever and the run last week.  The runs have continued into this week.  Oh boy oh boy am I ever tired of the runs.  Nothing like waking up to poo all over the place…and placing half awake autistic boy into a… Continue reading Autistic Poops….seriously.

An Angel?

Sometimes I wonder if little Isaac came from an extra special place with an extra special mission for our family.  I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I get pretty crazy 🙂 Ikey wasn’t planned.  Too much info or not, he’s a product of the very first time my husband and I were negligent about… Continue reading An Angel?

The Autism Divide

There seems to be this crazy division between autism parents.  Two extremes.  There’s one side that’s the Jenny McCarthy following that’s all about curing autism and then there’s the opposite side with parents who think she’s full of BS. I dunno what to think.  I’m going to try EVERYTHING I can, but I’m not putting… Continue reading The Autism Divide

The Savior Has Come!!

K not Jesus but it feels like it.  Our assessments have been set up for Silas!!  That means once they are done the lady will write up a report and program and submit it to the gov who’ll then release his funds and he’ll begin his daily ABA therapy!! ITS HERE!!!! It feels like people… Continue reading The Savior Has Come!!

Energy Juice in Me Bones

Yesterday I actually felt enough energy juice in me bones to actually take the little spawns outside somewhere instead of letting them watch Treehouse all day while I lay on the couch and yell orders at them (in between moans and groans).  So I decided to go to this park we like and bring lunch… Continue reading Energy Juice in Me Bones


I could not be more proud of Silas these past few days.  He’s done SO MANY typical things.  I love it. Before leaving to go to church yesterday Isaac was VERY upset.  Silas walked up to him, looked him in the eye and said “Ikey all done sad”,  to which Ikey replied “ok” and they… Continue reading Breakthroughs!

Ucky Mucky Squishy Squashy Therapy!

So, today I decided to get out my handy book “The Out of Synch Child Has Fun” and try a little activity with the bratters.  It involved shaving cream and a cookie sheet.  The point is to get them playing with ooey gooey things that most likely will bother them at first.  Children with autism… Continue reading Ucky Mucky Squishy Squashy Therapy!

Funding is…Well…a Joke.

I was sickened the other day when I found out that the 20 grand the government gives me for Silas’ therapy (OT, Speech, ABA) only covers 8-10 hours of ABA a week.  My dear little Silas needs 30-40 hours a week…soooooooo liiiikkkeeee 60-70 grand-ish.  That’s obviously not covering OT and speech and a DAN dr… Continue reading Funding is…Well…a Joke.

Beeaauutiifuul Day

It’s just been too nice here this winter.  The sunniest winter I’ve seen since moving here.  I’m so relieved.  It’s definitely helped the mood. Recently I realized that I could take the boys for a walk, without any tantrums if I stuck Isaac in the MEC backpack (which, I might add, is the most comfortable… Continue reading Beeaauutiifuul Day

What Our Tantrums Are Like

Oh my, Silas just tantrumed forrrrr….30 minutes.  Yup…30.  I didn’t sustain any injuries but that’s partly because I locked Isaac and I in the bathroom.  Then, dodging Silas, I ran and locked us in Isaac’s bedroom, holding the door closed with my feet so I could safely get clothes on Isaac and get him into… Continue reading What Our Tantrums Are Like

The Diagnosis Blues

The love I have for my children is the most vulnerable and scary love in the whole world.  You put your heart out as far as it can go, almost naively, without knowing how easily broken it is.  I think every mother’s heart gets broken.   Some get broken more, some less.  This most beautiful… Continue reading The Diagnosis Blues

Temple Grandin

I’ve just discovered the wonder that is Temple Grandin and I think everyone needs to watch this documentary on her.  She is an adult with autism that used to be severely autistic but she has come out of it a lot.  She gives us a lot of insight into an autistic mind and it really… Continue reading Temple Grandin