So off to the DAN dr we went today. Middle of Vancouver…that place stresses me out. But the doctor was super nice and thorough and we have a plan! First we need to do two tests on him. An organic acids test where they test their urine for a crapload of different things including nutrients,… Continue reading Hyperbaric and Autism
Tag: autism
I’ve been sitting here fiddling around with my blog. Dusting off the old bloggy shelves so-to-speak. I was giddy about the prospect of blogging later in the day when I realized I wont have time and I got to blog NOW!! Woot. Since it has been ages, I thought I should give you a point… Continue reading Update
Our Autism Story Part II
Part one is here Silas took to solids just fine. He’d eat a variety of foods. They always had to be pureed though, always. When other kids his age were eating more solid things Silas was still eating very simple baby foods. Of course he knew his way around a cheerio and mushy things. He… Continue reading Our Autism Story Part II
Our Autism Story Part I
I’ve been meaning to write our story for a very long time but just haven’t gotten around to it. So, finally, I give you part one of Silas’ story. My purpose is to write down all of him symptoms from day one, hopefully to help you with your own child. Silas didn’t have the symptoms… Continue reading Our Autism Story Part I
The Pain
When it comes to the despair surrounding the news of Silas’ autism, I pretty much can say I’m doing WAY better. I’ve embraced the autism, I think it’s fun and exciting and interesting, I don’t cry at the thought of it anymore….well…not often. I feel pretty good about it in a lot of ways especially… Continue reading The Pain
Autism can be SO COOL!
I’m sure all of you know by now that Silas is obsessed with letters and numbers. Last month I realized that he could actually sound words out that he didn’t know. I couldn’t believe it when he read me his first book, just unreal. It’s so nice because now I don’t have to spell EVERYTHING… Continue reading Autism can be SO COOL!
We’re in the Money!!
Okay so we were just approved by the CRA for tax credits retroactive to 2005 :). When you have a special needs child here you get a $1500 tax credit each year plus your child tax benefits that you recieve every month go up a bit as well. Because that’s retroactive, we’re about to get… Continue reading We’re in the Money!!
Siblings of Autism
One thing about this autism thing that truly breaks my heart is Ikey. I can’t help but wonder if he’ll live his life thinking he’s getting the short end of the stick. I mean, Silas gets to hang out with all these cool people 4 days a week. He’ll soon also be hanging out with… Continue reading Siblings of Autism
That Smarts
I finally felt like the grass was grown in enough today to let the boys play in the back yard. This spring it looked pathetic and it wasn’t use-able at all. I seeded it and covered it in some of my very own fresh compost and it looks lush and lovely again. OOOOO I love… Continue reading That Smarts
DONT Drink and Dial!!
Drunk caller me Is geenette there? (I have no idea what name he really said…it sounded like that though) Who? geenette sorry you have the wrong number Is Geenette there? no one lives here by that name What’s your dad’s name? I’m actually the mother in this household. What’s your husband’s name? Brent Brent….Brent… Can… Continue reading DONT Drink and Dial!!
Ahhhh what a busy day, just getting to blogging now…gosh am I too late?? I’m feeling that way. Last night we had a family meeting put on by Silas’ Behavior Consultant and it went really well…aside from my chilren flipping out numerous times throughout. AHH. Anyway, we learned a lot about autism and how autism… Continue reading FINALLY!
It Hurts It Hurts!!
Sweet sweet nap time. Glorious. So I’ve been in a bit of pain lately that I’ve been blaming on my sciatic nerve. I started really thinking about it the other day and realized that the pain isn’t from that at all. At least I don’t think so because it’s not hurting me in the usual… Continue reading It Hurts It Hurts!!
Nuts and Bolts
I am SO excited, tomorrow our Behavioral Consultant comes to our house and gives our entire group of family and friends a talk on autism. I love how she goes above and beyond and I love how she involves the entire family. It’s so great. We had a meeting on Saturday too, Kim, the trainer… Continue reading Nuts and Bolts
Tumble Time
Let me begin by saying how glad I am that I started consuming All Bran Buds again. Remember back in the day when I wrote an ode to All Bran Buds? Ya I’m feeling the All Bran Bud afterglow right now and it feels gooood. So we went to go tumble about at the gymnastics… Continue reading Tumble Time
How to Potty Train Your Toddler
It seems like one of the most frustrating parts of parenting a toddler is potty training them. I hear many facebook status updates from my friends who are growling about it. Potty training is tough but can be quickly achieved through these five simple principles: I have no clue. don’t ask me. I’m completely void… Continue reading How to Potty Train Your Toddler