Today is turning out to be one of those days. I couldn’t fall asleep last night again because of things on my mind (unusual for me) so I was up trying to tire my eyes out more by playing on the computer. At about 12am I think I fell asleep only to be woken at… Continue reading One of Those Days
Author: The Informal Matriarch
Goodness I’m sleepy. I had a very full day yesterday but I had a pretty good time getting all those photos done. See my previous post for a little sneak peek at what we did. It took both of us (my girlfriend and I) a little while to get comfortable with the whole situation but… Continue reading Sleepy
A Little Sample
Here’s just one photo that my girlyfriend took of me. She’s taking all the photos home to play with and make look perfect and….stuff. Anyway, this one doesn’t need much fixing so I thought I’d post it for your viewing pleasure. Don’t look at it if you don’t wanna see me in my knickers.
Busy Today
I’m just about to pick up my girlfriend from the bus stop. She’s coming to my house to photograph my pregnant body. I might even get brave enough to do some nudies, not sure though. I bought a black bra and panties because I mostly want to be in that, plus a few other outfits. … Continue reading Busy Today
Out of Control.
As I write this, my son is in his room screaming his face off. A moment ago he was sitting on my lap and I thought he was happy and then he tried to pinch me, and I said no so he flipped out. I stuck him in his crib. I know we’re supposed to… Continue reading Out of Control.
Hitting and Biting and Scratching OH MY!
So my darling little Silas has turned into a violent little booger and I’m actually starting to get upset. He does this little hit and claw move where he hits you and then digs his nails in and pulls back, sometimes you get a pinch too. If you hold onto his hands then he will… Continue reading Hitting and Biting and Scratching OH MY!
This and That
Ah, wonderful sunshine. I just sat on my deck for a bit and soaked in some rays while they lasted. It really helps the mood that’s for sure. Silas is still out there playing and singing. Sometimes when he’s out there he shouts “WEEEE” or “EIEIO” very loudly. I’m sure the people on the street… Continue reading This and That
Teething Never Ends
My darling Silas is starting to have a hard time again with his teethies. At least we had a few weeks of really happy baby. The poor kiddo, I can’t believe he’s cut 8 teeth since Christmas, the two molars are hardly cut and the other two are starting to get a bit white on… Continue reading Teething Never Ends
This Car Thing is Complicated
Ugh, this vehicle thing is frustrating me. I need some car buying advise. We need to sell our car now, unfortunately it’s worth less than what we owe on it, go figure. I just don’t know how to go about this all. I’m scared the car isn’t going to sell before the baby comes. I… Continue reading This Car Thing is Complicated
Nothing to Say
So, I really don’t have anything exciting to write about today. I always feel like I need to say something though. Silas just got up and we’re having lunch and then heading off to the pool to meet Auntie Jen Jen and the kids for a swim. Lets hope no one notices my bikini line. … Continue reading Nothing to Say
The Unimaginable
Something has happened to me, it’s something I never thought I’d do, think, or say. I’ve really shocked myself this time for sure. I want a minivan. We went to Langley specifically to look at Subaru’s and we took an amazing 2007 Forrester out for a test drive and I was instantly in love with… Continue reading The Unimaginable
Strange Animal Behavior
So, we’ve recently got these new neighbors who really seem like they DO NOT belong in our neighborhood. They’re very loud an obnoxious and completely out of their usual environment. Not to mention they live on the roof of the building across the street. That’s no place to raise children, I don’t think. We have… Continue reading Strange Animal Behavior
A Little Negative
I’m tired and grumpy today. I went to have a nap about an hour ago and it was taking forever to fall asleep. I was stoked though because Brent was here so I didn’t have to wake up when Silas did, I had a long nice sleep ahead of me. Just as I was falling… Continue reading A Little Negative
Snorting and an American Idol Rant
The funniest thing happened last night while I was sleeping. I was having this very strange dream about having to drive this tiger around in the back of my car. I was frightened because I knew it was getting hungry and I was scared it was going to eat me. Some person kept making me… Continue reading Snorting and an American Idol Rant
New Leaf
Spring is sure a nice time to be in my nesting phase. I seem to be inspired easily these days and I don’t know if it’s because we’ve actually had a few moments of sunshine or if it’s just all the beautiful flowering trees everywhere. I probably would be right to just chalk it up… Continue reading New Leaf