So there’s this meme floating out there right now. People write 100 things about themselves and I think I’ll do it over 4 posts here and there…when I have nothing to say and I still feel like dazzling you. So here’s the first 25. Prepare to be shocked and amazed…. 1. I used to figure… Continue reading 100 Things part 1
An Ode
My love, when I first saw you, you were on a commercial. I thought what they had to say about you couldn’t be as true as it sounded but you enticed me. When I saw you in the aisle in Costco I couldn’t say no, especially after I found you were peanut free. When I… Continue reading An Ode
The Razzle Dazzle Blog
I’m having writers block at the moment. I want to write a fantastic blog that will dazzle and impress. That makes you say “oh she’s so clever and funny”. One that makes you entire world view completely change and you’ll say “Thank you Leah, for you’ve made me a better person”. I want to have… Continue reading The Razzle Dazzle Blog
Hit the Beach
So on Friday my brother Andy, who’s moved out this way, called me up like he usually does asking “do you want a coffee?”. 45 minutes later he usually shows up with Starbucks in hand and ready to party. I’m really enjoying him being out here so close to me and he’s looking for a… Continue reading Hit the Beach
Concert Afterglow
I’m wondering if I should smoosh all my great things into one blog today or break them up into a few different blogs. I think I’ll save the amazing sandy baby bum photos from our beach day for tomorrow heh heh heh…a reason to come back right? Ooooo they’re nice. So Brent and I… Continue reading Concert Afterglow
Gunna Make Some Memories
Wanna see where I get to spend Christmas? Hopefully there’ll be walls and warmth when I arrive, I’m counting on it. This is the new house my parents are building, their dream house. I’m SO excited for this house. They’re building it totally wheelchair accessible for when their old a decrepit. So I know they’ll… Continue reading Gunna Make Some Memories
Hormones are Nuts
So it wasn’t the Midol…I’m just nauseous…but I think the midol did make me shaky. I forgot that I get this way at this time of the month sometimes. Ever since I had Ikey I every once in a while get a massive surge of hormones during my period and I get GRUMPY and nauseous. … Continue reading Hormones are Nuts
Stupid Midol.
WHY do people take Midol? This stuff sucks. I’m sick and shaky from it, my whole body feels very odd and wrong. That’s what happens when you’re anti drugs and then you take them out of desperation…your body revolts. Midol is going in the garbage. Ibuprofin is my friend. I feel like I might vomit.… Continue reading Stupid Midol.
Massive, Mega Explosions!
So here’s what happens when you go to Costco and your child notices you buy raisins and you come home and he demands them and then demands you feed him All Bran Buds and then demands a few prunes. Massive, mega explosions! You see, he used to be able to eat such things, prunes and… Continue reading Massive, Mega Explosions!
The Beast
Inspired by the rumblings in his stomach, the ferocious beast begins to stomp around, wailing and crying for it’s next meal. He spots it and with one shrill cry yells “DIS!” . The prey is laid in front of him. Ravaged by hunger the beast sinks his teeth into the red flesh… The wild beast… Continue reading The Beast
Crunchy Munchy Carrots
SO Brent’s interview went smashingly. He rocked it just like I knew he would. The guy said he wants to hire him but has to go through the process. The person who told Brent about this job told him last night that when he saw them introducing Brent to the CEO he knew that Brent… Continue reading Crunchy Munchy Carrots
He’s so Smart
So for any of you that are musical, this might impress you. Yesterday I was singing Twinkle Twinkle along with Raffi while tucking Silas into his nap. I told him what harmony was (through the sort of grunts and gurgles he understands as English) and asked him if he could do it. He’s heard me… Continue reading He’s so Smart
Titles are for People Who Don’t Have To Think of One Every Stinking DAY!!
So Silas has his appointment with the ped to see whether or not he’s on any spectrum. Any parents with kids on the spectrum that could give me hints on how to prepare and conduct myself during that initial appointment? Part of me almost wants him to be on it. It wouldn’t change him but… Continue reading Titles are for People Who Don’t Have To Think of One Every Stinking DAY!!
Labels and Kids
There’s something I believe strongly in that I want to perhaps start some discussion on. Perhaps put a bug in your ear about. I know I’ll stick my foot in my mouth at some point so I’ll do a disclaimer at the beginning. When in need, refer back to the disclaimer: I’m not judging anyone… Continue reading Labels and Kids
Chicken Little and the Princess of Ooga Booga Land
Well new Zaza bags are up this week again!! I didn’t sew any of them (again) but I did photograph the ones my sis made. *sigh* photography. Whenever I have a client I get such a buzz off it. I’m a bit of my own worst enemy on it though. I’m scared. I want to… Continue reading Chicken Little and the Princess of Ooga Booga Land